
Using Bluing?

April 11, 2008

BluingI need to know how do you use that bluing stuff to make your whites white. My husband wears white dress shirts. They get dingy after a while. Any suggestions on keeping them white? I bought that blue stuff but don't want to mess up anything help!


Kathy from Triadelphia


By Cajun (Guest Post)
April 11, 20080 found this helpful

Just use very little in the FINAL RINSE...ONLY A FEW DROPS when you first begin to use it. As you gain experience, you'll be able to use more drops as you see if your white clothes are retaining too much blue.
ALWAYS make sure the clothing is totally saturated; if dry, the bluing will 'stain' the clothes and it is hard to get out, even after re-washing several times. I dilute it with 2 cups of water; don't like using it 'straight' (undiluted :) )

By suzin (Guest Post)
April 14, 20080 found this helpful

Besides blueing for whites, before you launder the clothes, mix a little cascade dishwasher powder in a big bucket of water and let the whites soak in it overnight. I don't know how much of the powder to tell you, I haven't done it yet but I'm going to start with a small amount to be sure I don't ruin the white clothes.


I don't remember where I heard this, but they said it whitens the white clothes.

By Cajun (Guest Post)
April 14, 20080 found this helpful

Suzin... the Cascade (or other dishwashing liquids/powders) are very strong in nature (gotta clean those pots :)) ...Painters and Mechanics use this procedure for their work clothes; it'll get out the majority of said stains, grease, etc., but it definitely shortens the life of good, heav-duty, work clothes...I'd hate to use it on regular clothing

By Paula (Guest Post)
April 15, 20080 found this helpful

I don't use it on clothes but on my hair. It takes the yellow out of gray hair...

September 30, 20160 found this helpful

What market do you buy it from, and how much do you use on grey hair? Do you use it before you use hair rinse? Thanks,

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August 25, 2012

I would like to make my own blueing, if possible. Anybody know how? All the websites talk about where to buy it.
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June 1, 2010

I used too much bluing and now my clothes are blue. How can I get it out?

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