I recently dropped a dainty black light bulb on the kitchen floor. There were tiny bits everywhere! I swept up what I could see, but I was scared there were minuscule shards everywhere, especially between the floor tiles. To get rid of every last piece, along with other weird rubbish I didn't even see on the floor, I carefully pressed a slice of bread over the glass. The sponginess and little nooks sucked up all of the debris.
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Great idea!!! Thanks bunches!
You're welcome Cupcakelanieeeee!!!!!!!!!!
I just did the same thing a few days ago, I dropped a delicate thin glass bowl, and what a mess, and I was worried about those super thin slivers of glass that could still remain in the rough grout. So I put on gloves and used a ton of wet paper towels, but when the sun light shined on the floor, I could still see a few glistening shards were still here and there.
I love this way to go with the bread to absorb up those minuscule pieces.
Thank you Attosa! :)
It's really the only way I was able to get the tiny baby ones up, especially out of the crevices between the tiles. I can't tell you how many times before I thought I'd gotten everything out, and I had not, and ended up in so much pain! Good luck with the next round, Suz! I sure hope you're not as clumsy as me!
I am sorry if I offend anyone but I think this is one of the most irresponsible ideas I have ever seen. When I break glass I sweep it up and then vacuum it. I also recycle broken glass in the glass recycling.We have wild birds outside who love bread.
I'm sure you don't offend anyone with your opinion, just as I hope I don't offend you with mine, but this is what's only worked for me in not finding some piece of glass I step on later that could not get mopped or swept up. Far too many times have I had shards in my foot from between the tiles after the fact. Now? No more. What comes first? My family and my own health and safety. To each their own! :)
HI again. I am just seeing this after I don't know how many years this was posted and I just wanted to add to my post and reply to your second one. When ever I break glass I vacuum it up and there are no shards or tiny pieces or whatever to step on. I have light beige colored kitchen tiles and I can see any glass as it shines. I take the vacuum nozzle off the canister and vacuum with the nozzle on the floor.
Use what works best is a good motto but try to not be irresponsible toward any living thing.
Food scrapes usually go into a large landfill and bread usually "deteriorates" at an amazing speed so it would seem this would not be a problem for small birds.
Anyone who has ever passed a landfill will usually have seen large crows gathering food and I believe a crow's stomach must be partly iron as they seem to devour any and everything humans leave behind.
I will remember this if ever needed as my "reach" is beyond trying to remove anything from the bottom of my feet and a tiny sliver can really hurt and is usually very difficult to remove.
That "reach" is exactly it, Betty. My husband is disabled from spinal/nerve damage and this one goes out to him, too. I hope this can help you in the future. :)
What a good idea it is to use it for broken glass. Never thought of that.
I did it once to help locate my hard contact lens that I'd dropped on the floor.
Excellent idea for your lens! They are incredibly expensive, aren't they? Well done!
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