
Using Dawn Dishsoap for Fleas on Dogs?

I've found, on the internet that Dawn dishsoap is a good remedy for fleas. However, I am wondering how often should I bathe my puppy Mahina, with it per week. I don't want to bathe her all the time because I've heard that bathing her a lot is actually bad for her and what about the eggs? Does it help get rid of them as well?


By Christa S. from MAUI

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July 8, 20130 found this helpful
Best Answer

I have bathe my two girls every week to two weeks with no problems. I even used it on myself to shampoo my hair before I used it on my girls. This stuff is gentle and the hair comes squeaky clean. It does kill the fleas. Good product.

June 4, 20190 found this helpful

I have added vinegar with dawn, baking soda and peppermint oil last 3 weeks with my fur babies but I am going to try to add Murphy's oil to mixture for coat.

March 1, 20160 found this helpful
Best Answer

I took in four 8 week old feral puppies that had been living in an old lumber yard. They were literally covered in fleas. I bathed them all in Dawn dish soap, being them good and soapy, then used a flea comb to insure all the little creepers off them.


99% Flea free I then took them to the vet where they each received the oral Flea med "Capstar" quick killed any remaining fleas on the body within an hour. The next morning I gave them Nexguard which will kill the eggs. No more fleas.


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