The Dragon fruit is simply an amazing fruit, like no other. On the outside the fruit is bright fuchsia with lime green on the tips of the long leathery leaves that spurt off the entire fruit. When cut open the fruit reveals its stunning white pulp speckled with tiny black seeds. This fruit is grown in Mexico, Central and South America, and in many South East Asian counties such as, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. Dragon fruit is low in calories, sweet and is said to help lower blood glucose levels for people with type 2 diabetes.
Other Names:
Thanh Long (Vietnamese), pitaya, strawberry pear, nanettikafruit
Dragon fruit is eaten fresh, chilled can improve the flavor.
Buying Fresh:
When buying fresh look for the fruit with the brightest colors.
The Fruit is sliced open and the inner white flesh speckled with black seeds is eaten and the outer peel is tossed out. You can slice the fruit or even eat it like a kiwi with a spoon.
In the fridge, dragon fruit is very tasty when chilled.
Interesting Facts:
The flowers of the Dragon Fruit cactus only bloom at night.

Vi Johnson
Silver Post Medal for All Time! 288 Posts October 27, 20080 found this helpful
I love the picture of the lady. What a combination of sweet, angelic & mischievous face. What is her name? GG Vi

October 28, 20080 found this helpful
Sounds good I used to eat a lot of prickly pears that are on a round leaf cactus plants. We would find these in
Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, just across the San Diego, CA border. They were so good. Oh and pomegranates were so tasty.
My nana had trees. If she were alive, she would not believe the $3.00 each price, here in Missouri. I like your pic holding the fruits adorable, cute and impish that reminded me of my beloved nana.