I'm looking for recipe for a vinegar, garlic, and ginger concoction for leg cramps, any ideas? Thanks for any help.
By janet from AR
I don't have a recipe for that, but I have read in several places that regular yellow mustard helps with leg cramps a lot, so I guess I'd try that on a sandwich.
Leg cramps can also be caused by lack of potassium; do you get enough tomatoes, bananas, baked potatoes, grapefruit, I think grapes and raisins also high in K.
I keep magnesium around and take it now and then for leg cramps; just one.
Do you get enough water?
You could make a great salad dressing or veggie marinade with 1/4 cup vinegar, 2 cloves really squashed garlic, a slice or two of ginger slices, really chopped and mashed, add it to a bit of oil or mayo. or leave out the oil and mayo and just take a spoonful followed by water. You could also add plain apple juice instead of oil for a marinade to the vinegar, garlic and ginger, like a 1/3 cup..I'll be that would be good. You could marinate chicken in it too and let it cook with the chicken in a pan, and pour it over rice and steamed veggies when cooked all the way and mixed with the chicken juice [cooked].
I've had leg cramps since I was a kid ( half a century ago) and find them worse in the summer. A doctor once told me that not keeping hydrated enough can cause a potassium imbalance.
What works for me if I'm getting a run on those charley horses is to increase my water intake; eating a banana and drinking a little OJ also helps.
Ask your doctor if he ever heard of Quinine Sulfate for leg cramps - it was over the counter till the government in its wisdom banned it since some people wrongly assumed it was still effective against malaria. I used to take 1 pill which worked inside of 10 minutes. Since I can't buy it at the drugstore any more, the tonic water is the best substitute! Also, Mineral Ice will eventually stop the cramps.
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I am looking for the recipe using apple cider vinegar, ginger juice, and garlic juice.
I have never heard of it being Amish but just mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 1 to 4 ratio.