My daughter and I regularly post parcels. I found a very cheap way to pack breakables, all I do is wrap the article then pack all around it with plastic shopping bags. Very cheap to use and weighs hardly anything, therefore you are not wasting precious money on packing material, so you can afford to add in that extra little special something.
By shona from Australia
Great tip; please make sure they are CLEAN and do not use basic trash (like an eBay seller did for us!). (05/18/2009)
By Rob
This page contains the following solutions.
Use your plastic shopping bags for packing in shipping packages. It is light weight and free. Also it is a good cushion.
ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.
Another good use for all those grocery plastic bags is to use them as packing material! When you send a gift, or when you make a move to a new home, these bags are great for wrapping glassware and other breakables!