
Using Saved Greeting Cards

You know how you save your cards (Mother's day, Christmas, birthday, etc.) because you just love what they say. Well, over the years, I have managed to save and save and now I have an overflowing box that is just crazy, full of them. I hate to throw them out, but it is really bordering on hoarding.


Any suggestions on how I can use them in some type of craft? I normally make my own greetings cards on my computer. I have used a few sayings out of them to aid in my card making. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.



Using Saved Greeting Cards

I actually stand my plants and ornaments on them. When they stand on wood or tiles, etc. it saves marking the surface. I use the greeting cards where I would use a doily, or where you would use a lace cloth. I suppose one could glue them to the inside top of a memory chest, or the back of a door on a wardrobe. Some of them are so nice. (06/22/2008)

By elizabeth.

Using Saved Greeting Cards

I cut pieces out of them to use in scrap booking. If it has a really pretty picture, I have even put them in a picture frame for decoration. I have some that are like a border around words. I cut out words and use the border as a mat over a picture. I glue a plain piece of card stock over the inside so it covers up writing from someone else and reuse it for another, just writing on the new card stock.


Try not to resend to the person who gave to you, lol. Any that I absolutely will not get rid of, such as the ones my hubby and I gave back and forth our first year together, I took a 12x12 pretty piece of scrapbook paper, folded into an envelope and put cards or notes into it, then added it to the scrapbook that I made just for he and I. I just slipped it down into a plastic sleeve. (06/23/2008)

By christi

Using Saved Greeting Cards

I like to make little boxes out of them as a special memory of the person(s) who gave the card to me and means so much to me. I use them to store little trinkets or other items of memory of them.

The first one I ever made was from a Christmas card from the couple who lived across the street from me when I was a very little girl.

When you open the box it has their hand written greeting and signature inside :-) I still have it and showed it to the surviving spouse this past year.


She is now 85 years old and was quite touched that she and her husband meant so much to me.

Go to this link for a free template ... (06/23/2008)

By Deeli

Using Saved Greeting Cards

I use them to make place mats. I've done it with groups of kids many times. It takes around 20-25 cards. Just cut out the center picture. I used the lid off a coffee can to trace around. Then I take a piece of contact paper, turn it upside down and take off the paper, revealing the sticky side of the contact paper. Then arrange the cards as you like, leaving a tiny, maybe 1/4 inch of the sticky edge uncovered. When done, I cover it with clear contact paper, then seal the 2 edges of contact paper together real well. There you have it! By the way, I always use patterned contact paper for the back side. (06/23/2008)


By Della

Using Saved Greeting Cards

Childcare centers, summer programs for little ones, and lower-grades in schools or Sunday schools could use the donation.

We also have a local thrift store that helps many needy people, so at Christmas time, children could pick out the cards there for their gift-giving if you wanted to find a place for child shoppers. This place prepares stockings for about 200 children, and stuffs them with all kinds of gifts to give out to the needy of our little town. I am sure the children would enjoy your re-cycled cards too.

By jan.

Using Saved Greeting Cards

On the same line as dellajo's idea, make coasters. You can also make gift cards out of the fronts. If they have handwriting on them, I just cover it with a large self-adhesive label before cutting out the gift card shape and folding it. You can also reinforce large card fronts with a heavier card (like cereal box cardboard) by gluing them together then lightly clamping or weighting them with books or something until the glue dries. When dry, punch holes with a paper punch and using yarn or colorful shoe laces from the dollar store, you can make lacing cards that help kids with dexterity skills and if you number the holes, counting and number sequences.


You can glue cut out motifs to both sides of those scrap CD. Make a hanging loop through the hole first. Glue label side of CD to the back of a card front. Trim after drying. Use a small motif on the shiny side, just to cover the other side of the hanging string. Outline with dimensional paint if desired. (06/24/2008)

By Mary Lou

RE: Using Saved Greeting Cards

Using Saved Greeting Cards

We recycle last year's Christmas cards into holiday To-From cards. We just cut out a picture from the card or maybe the whole front of the card with pinking shears, punch a hole in the top and use it for next year's gifts. (06/24/2008)

By Celeste

Using Saved Greeting Cards

Here is a craft that can be used for any occasion but they do make pretty Christmas pins. If you have any old pair of glasses laying around, take the lens out. Now pick out a pretty card that has a particular area you really like. Lay the lens over it until it is positioned just the way you want it. Trace it with a light pencil tracing. Cut this out. Get a piece of felt and cut it to the same size. Now using spray adhesive, spray the bottom of the lens, place the card piece over the adhesive spray or whatever you decide to use making sure the picture is positioned toward the lens.


Then glue the felt onto the back of the card piece.. Lastly, glue one of those craft pins found in your local craft store onto the back of the felt, voila'! You have a nice little pin to wear for Christmas. Don't stop there, now that you know how to do it you can do it for all the holidays as there are cards out for everything now a days. You could start asking your friends for their old glasses and begin to make pins for Christmas to give as gifts. Recycle, re-purpose, re-use. What a wonderful concept! Hope this helps. (06/24/2008)

By Bertha Baird

Using Saved Greeting Cards

What about making scrapbook pages?
Or sort them into a photo album along with any photos you took that day...
use them to enhance the computer-made cards along with some glitter glue pens.
Let little ones use safety scissors and make "cut and paste" pictures as an "I'm bored" rainy day craft. (06/25/2008)

By Sarah Leach

Using Saved Greeting Cards

I had the same problem. I finally broke down and used them in the way of book marks or postcards. I cut the front of the cards off and put a hole at the top of the picture side of the cards. After running an 8" long ribbon through the top, knot the ribbon and use as book marks. If you have a lot, take to your church or your local nursing home, etc. As for postcards, just cut the cards in half, they make beautiful postcards. Current postage stamps for postcards are adequate and they travel through the mail as well as any store bought postcard. (06/26/2008)


Using Saved Greeting Cards

A couple of ideas. Cut out or tear out the sayings that are meaningful or have a beautiful quote then decoupage them on a wall in your bathroom.

Or, scan the sayings you like and print them on a piece or two of material that is about the size of a crib mattress. Then also get some padding for in between, sew, and you have a homemade small blanket that is nice to just throw on you when napping, watching TV, or when you are sick.

I did the same type of blanket (and I am not a big sewing person) for my granddaughter and made a memory blanket. I took pictures from birth and went up to her high school graduation. She loved it and will take it to college with her! If you decide on the blanket, sew the padding on while you are sewing on the sayings. That way it will anchor your padding to at least one side before you sew the 2 pieces of material together. You can also add ruffles or material around the edges to finish it off for pizazz! (06/26/2008)

By rainy21

Using Saved Greeting Cards

This is a little hard to explain but maybe I will post a picture later! You can make really pretty ornaments!

Supplies: scissors, a pencil, ribbon, glue (I use a hot glue gun), and of course, old cards!

You can take a compass (like you used in school for math), make little circles (I think I usually do 12 or more), you can do from 4 and up, I think the more the better! Then in each circle, use your compass and make marks where you can draw a perfect triangle. In the middle of each circle fold back the flaps (where the right side of the flap will be touching the right side of the triangle). It's really not hard, I promise, I'm just not good at explaining. Start gluing the flaps together and it will start forming a circle. When you get to your desired shape, just add a ribbon and hang it on your Christmas tree or where ever! They are REALLY cute and you can even make them as gifts! (06/27/2008)

By Amber

Using Saved Greeting Cards

Hi, Here is another way to make small boxes from old cards. (07/04/2008)

By Bette

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