When more refrigerator space is needed for the holidays, bring out the cooler. It will come in handy to store the extra food that needs to be refrigerated. I use jugs of ice that I have in the freezer to keep the cooler cold.
You always share the most sensible and simple tips. Thank you. Now do tell me this. I like to keep containers (usually gallon milk jugs) of frozen water in the freezer when not full with food. My fridge runs less. But these containers usually break when they swell. Or at least the bottoms become so rounded they wont sit upright. How do you prevent this? filling them less than full doesn't help. Right now, I'm buying the little freezer packs that go on sale for a dollar in early winter to prevent this.
I used to use the gallon milk jugs but they take up so much room and are heavy. Never had a problem with them breaking. I filled them about 3/4 full.
I drink Cranberry juice. It's good for your bladder and these make great containers to put in the freezer. They are made of a different plastic and I like the shape. They work great in the cooler as well. Also Gatorade containers are good for filling in small places.