I know people who are pretty scattered in their thinking and life. I suggest that people get a daily planner. You can make your own. Just get a notebook and each page is a day. Put in at least 30 days. Start with today, put down everything you have to do today. Also put down duties for tomorrow and the next day. And so on. Put down your appointments for that whole month.
In the mornings, plan what to do that day. When you accomplish that job, scratch it off. Then do the next thing on your list. When accomplished, scratch that off your list. It will give you a sense of accomplishment and also keep your life more organized. When new things come up, add them to the appropriate day. So all you have to remember in the morning is to take your book with you wherever you go, instead of trying to remember all the things in your head making your life a turmoil and confusing.
By Phyllis from Weldon, CA
This page contains the following solutions.
I can't remember my busy schedule without a calendar book. I like the ones with only one year per book.
I like to use an interim calendar from one of the ones I get from advertisers through January, until I find a good deal on a pocket calendar book on sale.
My planner book was nice, but didn't come with a marking ribbon for the date, as my old one did. So I found a bit of ribbon and taped it inside the back cover, and now I have a ribbon marker which makes the day so much easier to find!
I have used a daytimer for years and would be lost without it. I keep it in an area where I frequent most of the day, on my computer desk. Once a week, I pencil in my schedule for each of the weekdays, adding appointments, goals, projects, routine tasks, phone calls to make, etc.