Hot-water bottles are a British institution and an excellent way to keep your bed warm in winter. It's much healthier to sleep in an unheated bedroom, so do like we do and put a hot-water bottle between the sheets before you go to bed. When you wake up, empty the bottle into one of your potted plants! And if you have time to knit a cover for your bottle, all the better - it keeps it warmer for longer.
By Lucy from Oxford, UK
This page contains the following solutions.
My daughter's boyfriend just adopted a 7-week old puppy from the pound. To keep it quiet at night, my daughter told him to fill an empty soft drink bottle with hot water, wrap it in a towel, and put it in it's bed. No more whimpering puppy!
The next time you give baby a tub bath, partially fill a hot water bottle with lukewarm water and place it in the bottom of the tub for him to sit on. Baby will enjoy the event in greater safety and comfort.
An old Listerine bottle that has been emptied and washed can be filled with warm water and used as a hot water bottle in a pinch.