
Using a Microwave Safely?

March 27, 2017

My husband is convinced that using a microwave to heat and/or cook food destroys the nutrition. He says that you might as well eat cardboard. He also contends that there is radiation contamination all around the microwave when it is in use. Does anyone have concrete proof of either of these contentions - either that either is true, or not true?


So far, I haven't seen any proof - one way or another. Contentions, especially by those who have something to gain (like a seller or manufacturer), don't hold water for me. I truly want to know. Sometimes it is just so much easier to use the microwave, but if it is endangering our health.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
March 29, 20170 found this helpful
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We recently unplugged the microwave. I do not like the scent the microwave gives off and prefer to avoid the microwave as much as possible but that is my preference.

When I used a microwave or if I do - I make sure to use microwave safe bowls, plates, cups, etc. No plastic and always cover with a paper plate, napkin, lid or something.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
March 29, 20170 found this helpful
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My take on this is the same with everything else in my life: everything in moderation. I use the microwave only when I'm in a hurry, otherwise I steam/fry/etc. There are many things that are said about microwave safety but I would find some good articles to read and make up your own mind.


I read a few months ago that putting your broccoli in the microwave in a bowl and zapping it for one minutes is the best thing you could do, nutritionally.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
March 27, 20170 found this helpful

i believe that any appliance of this nature can be unsafe if improperly used. There are many, many web sites purporting to be authorities on how unsafe it is to use a microwave.
That said - I can offer the following web sites for you to read and maybe decide for yourself. I trust these authorities more than just the average "joe" on the internet.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
March 27, 20170 found this helpful

I tend to agree with your husband. I use ours sparingly. I refuse to use plastic in it, as the plastic then releases chemicals into your food. I think you will find equal amount of studies that say it is safe as to those studies that say it is unsafe.


I do know for certain that we have a lot more cancers than what we did 100 years ago (before tv, microwaves, cell phones, plastics and many chemicals)


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
March 27, 20170 found this helpful

The FDA regulates microwaves and has been since 1971. They feel it is safe. You can read the article here:


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
April 2, 20170 found this helpful

I can understand how anyone could be concerned about radiation of any kind - just the word is scary. Years ago, my oldest son worked for a large company (research & development) that developed commercial microwave "machines" very similar to the household Microwave, and today, he is a very healthy 63 year old man. Now most of these machines were more powerful than our Microwaves, thus more dangerous, but he does not seem to have any "after" effects.


That, of course, does not "prove" anything about the actual safety of our household microwaves but it does prove to me that my worries at that time were unfounded. We use a microwave daily and I hope this same example of my son's work will hold true for us.
Here is information from the US Food & Drug site:

Microwave Ovens and Health
Microwave radiation can heat body tissue the same way it heats food. Exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause a painful burn. Two areas of the body, the eyes and the testes, are particularly vulnerable to RF heating because there is relatively little blood flow in them to carry away excess heat. Additionally, the lens of the eye is particularly sensitive to intense heat, and exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause cataracts. But these types of injuries burns and cataracts can only be caused by exposure to large amounts of microwave radiation.


Consumers should take common sense precautions regarding handling of hot foods and beverages.
Here is their email link if you would like to ask them about your concerns:
Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE) by email at


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
May 15, 20170 found this helpful

It is a myth and there is no scientific basis for concern. Basically, any time you cook anything, you lose nutrients. That is the reason for raw food diets. Microwaves don't do any more damage that cooking in a traditional way and possibly less, if you consider boiled vs microwaved vegetables.

Here is a link I found to a pretty good article about microwaves and how they work.

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