
Using an Effusion Oil Lamp?

November 3, 2017

Can lampe berger oil be used with regular refillable candles like this one?


I like the idea of the lamp berger system, but am not a fan of the types of lampe berger bottles I've seen so far. They all look like bottles of cologne to me. I'd like something that looks more like a candle. Helpful thoughts or suggestions appreciated. Thanks!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 3, 20171 found this helpful
Best Answer

From my reading I would say no. They have a catalytic converters that keeps the temperature at 140 degrees. A regular refillable candle may not have that. You could write to the manufacturer and ask, but I dont think they are interchangeable

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 2, 2018

I have the Lampe Berger real oil in ocean spray. I have made the cheap version of the fuel using the 16 oz. bottle of 91% isopropyl and 1 tablespoon of distilled water.

How much of the Lampe Berger real oil should I add to my homemade fuel?

( I have added 1/2 teaspoon, but it barely scents the room )



Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 2, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

10 drops of oil to 16 ounces of fuel.

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December 12, 2014

Is effusion oil and lamp berge' oil the same thing?

By Melody D.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 2, 20180 found this helpful

My understanding is Lampe Berger is the brand name of a specific effusion oil that the company recommends for their effusers/lamps.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 2, 20180 found this helpful

Maurice Berger invented the Lampe Berger, a type of effusion lamp.

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December 11, 2015

Can you use essential oils instead of the fragrance oils in making fuel for catalytic lamps?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 30, 20170 found this helpful

There are many different kinds of fragrance oils you can use in your lamp. You can make these at home for half the cost of buying them in a store. Here is a website that can teach you how to make your own oils for your lamp.


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October 22, 2012

I had recently bought a lamp burner (something like lampe berger) and came across recipes using isopropyl alcohol and essential oils.
The recipe I got was 16oz of isopropyl alcohol and 2 tablespoon distilled water and 5ml - 10ml essential oil (depending on strength).

I have a few questions. First, if the concentration of the isopropyl alcohol is 99% is it alright to use? Secondly, why must distilled water be used in the solution? Would it cause the burning effect to be affected as water is a non inflammable? And finally, I find that especially when I try to use sandalwood essential oil for burning, the stone will not be burning after an hour or so. Why is that?


Thank you.

By Stephen from Sarawak, Malaysia


October 25, 20120 found this helpful

I make my own fragrances for my Lampes Berger using 16 oz. of 91% isopropyl alcohol, 8-10 drops of a pure essential oil, and NO water. I have had no problems with the stones going out.

I don't understand why some recipes recommend adding distilled water, but my Lampes work fine without it. Personally I think it's the water that may be fouling the stone and causing it to go out.

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