Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks January 28, 20190 found this helpful
These are neat old pieces and where I am they have not held their value like some of the old stereos.
I can't find any sold on eBay or listed at the moment--that would be the ideal location to find a SOLD one there. That would be today's ACTUAL MARKET value.
There was one sold in 2015 at another online auction site (see link below). If this is an exact match to yours, which I think it is but my memory fails me and I can't read the numbers in the picture..I am going by look, and they give you the sold value that auction, I am willing to be the value will be almost the same today, as my understanding is there has been little if any appreciation in values for the pieces over the past 10 years (I am speaking for where I am so that may be different where you are).
That all said, remember, buying and selling cool collectibles is all about supply and demand, so if the supply is low and the demand is high, you may fetch much better price than when the supply is high and the demand low.
Please post back if the place shares the sold value!! I am curious to see if the trends I see in my town match other places!
Thanks for sharing!!

January 29, 20190 found this helpful
Probably a nice system but without pictures and a better description it will be difficult for anyone to help you with any real information or current value.
Pghgirl does have knowledge of some of these but she may be the only one.
- This sort of item is always interesting as doing research we find out a lot that is actually new to us and helps us answer questions if someone else (in the future) should ask questions along the same lines.
- Very few people who list items for sale have all of the model and serial numbers so research on value cannot go very far without pictures.
- Questions: Is your system the large console model? Does it have 8-Track? What name is on the turntable unit (they were many times another brand)? What type of wood - real wood/particle board/veneer? What type of stain - light/dark)? Does any or all of it work? How are the speakers? Needles?
- Provenance? Any information on age?
- Overall condition? Where (city) is it located as very few people would ever pay the high cost of shipping a unit like this.
- A lot of questions but this the information that a potential buyer would want to know and any good listing will have most of this information.
- From what I have read it is probably from the 60/70s and it seems that collectors do not think very highly of the 70 and later models as new owners had lowered the quality of the complete system and was relying on the previous good name for sales.
- Some comments:
- "Note that at one time Capehart was one of the premier radio manufacturers in the USA, building very expensive high-fidelity sets. This was in the thirties and forties. As so often happens, the product line cheapened over time and the name was bought and sold. By the seventies it was just a once-proud nameplate being used to peddle stereos that were good but not great."
- here is a link to a nice system that sold in 2015 for $26. That is not a good value but it does show what can happen in an auction.
- www.ebth.com/.../2535514-1970s-capehart-stereo-console
- Here is one that has been for sale a while (at a shop) and the asking price is $699 (1960s system). You might send your question to their email address for information about your set.
- www.facebook.com/.../
- Here is a system from 2015 that was listed on eBay and the seller kept reducing the price but did not sell even at $40.
- www.ebay.com/.../261859861999?nma=true&si=t2Ur5guS5SsywC7M7B...
- Here is another link that has an email address and they may answer your question.
- antiqueradio.org/contact.htm
- Sorry, I wish I had some idea as to what your system looks like or the components but maybe you can add/post pictures and information to your question.