
Value of J. Misa Collection Porcelain Dolls?

August 17, 2020

A decorative doll in a fancy dress.My daughter received this as an Christmas gift and has no real interest in dolls. Any idea on the worth? There is no name on the certificate, only that it is 0732 of 5000 pieces. She is 43 inches tall and has not been messed with, so is in original condition.



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 17, 20200 found this helpful
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While I was not able to find this gal--the identical one--similar --Victorian gals of the same general height--aka tall dolls of J Misa sell for around $25-60, although there are many sitting unsold at those same prices. Sell means sold prices on various platforms. I see people ASKING much more, but sold prices are values. Asking prices are what someone thinks they can get :)

Start high and take best offer. I would not sell her on eBay unless you are a very experienced seller in both sales and shipping. The tall dolls are very hard to ship and if not packed right often end up an million pieces.

Post back how your sale goes!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
August 17, 20200 found this helpful
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I did see several 43' J. Misa Victorian dolls listed for sale, I did not see one like yours nor did I see any even similar dolls that had sold recently.


Doll values have been on a downhill slide for several years and it seems this latest crisis has also caused values and certainly sales to drop to a very low degree.

All dolls are fragile and a large percentage arrive in terrible shape so if you wish to sell this doll, I would suggest you list her on a site you can show her as 'local pick up only'.
You might try listing on sites like Facebook Marketplace, offerup, letgo, Craigslist, and any other sites you're familiar with.
You can list her on several sites at the same time but you will need several good pictures and a good description of her outfit.
Since no shipping cost is involved you could start her price higher - $125-$150 - and if not sold after a few weeks you can go in and lower the price.


You can always check eBay's sold listings to see what is selling and what people are actually willing to pay for J. Misa dolls.

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December 12, 2019

I don't know what her name is or how old she is or even what she's worth. There are no numbers or dates on the box.

She's never been opened. Someone please help me.

Value of a J. Misa Porcelain Doll - doll in a box
Value of a J. Misa Porcelain Doll
Value of a J. Misa Porcelain Doll


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
December 13, 20190 found this helpful
Best Answer

Is she the 16 inch gal?

I don't think she has a name, as if I remember right, this brand was one that often did not name the dolls.

I am not surprised if there is no year on the box. Some doll makers wanted their dolls to appear to be timeless.


This brand is one of the lower end of dolls made between the 1970s and 2000s. She was most likely made in the 1980s based on the box style...but it could have been any year in the range above.

There are a bunch of Misa dolls listed for sale on any given day. While I could not find your exact gal, they average in sold prices 9.99 + shipping.

If she is taller, they average 12.99.

If she was mine, I would start her at 19.99, buyer pay shipping, and then take best offer. I would accept anything from 5.00 to the full price.

Dolls are a very hard sell at the moment since there is a glut like no other time in history.

Be sure to package her very, very, very carefully if you are going to sell online as she is very fragile.

If you sell on eBay use the Advanced Seller tool so you can put the exact package weight and size in the auction. Never let eBay calculate shipping for you.


Post back how your sale goes!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
December 13, 20190 found this helpful
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So many dolls are available now that it's difficult to even advise anyone to try and sell their dolls.
Years ago Christmas time was when everyone listed their dolls for sale but now it's almost a waste of anyone's time to think about selling during this period or even next year.
Preparation for sales on eBay or any other site take time and even if a doll sells the profit is so minimal that it's just not worth the effort.
How much time are you willing to put in to maybe profit $10-$20 and no telling how long you may have to wait until someone buys?

You can always check out eBay sold listings to see what people are paying but most of the time it is very disappointing.


If you still wish to sell your doll you could list her on your local sites like Craigslist, Facebook Groups/Marketplace and list her with pick up only so there would be no shipping involved.
This way you could start your price higher and lower it is no one shows any interest.
You will need several good pictures and the doll would have to be of of the box (being in the box means very little) and post with a good description and size.

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February 25, 2020

I am going to be selling some of my mother's porcelain dolls for her, this is one of them. I believe she is either 22 or 24 inches tall, in perfect condition, and still in the box.

Her name is Leona # 354. I would like to know her approximate value please.

Value of J.Misa Doll - doll wearing a long pink dress with a lace front
Value of J.Misa Doll
Value of J.Misa Doll
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October 21, 2019

We would like to sell our J.Misa doll, Mamie #22/5000. Does anyone have an idea of its value?

Value of a J. Misa Porcelain Doll - doll in a box wearing a pale blue dress and a feather boa.
Value of a J. Misa Porcelain Doll

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July 25, 2019

My grandmother wants me to sell this doll that her sister gave her years ago. I can't find any information about this doll anywhere.

I've tried eBay, etc. it says it is a J. Misa porcelain doll on her tag on her arm.

Value of a J. Misa Porcelain Doll - Native American doll


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 25, 20191 found this helpful

They range from $20 to $30 today on eBay.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
July 25, 20191 found this helpful

There are J. Misa dolls listed on eBay and sometimes on Etsy or Amazon but the value is still low. Usually less than $25 and may take a very long time to sell.

In the past the taller dolls - over 18" - sold more often and usually for more money but since the USPS rates (DIM) changed in June the shipping cost will make these dolls almost unsalable.

Usually Indian, Victorian, and celebrity dolls sell faster but the market is flooded with all brands/types of dolls and the value remains very low.
Condition matters but age and new or used make very little difference in value or how quickly they sell.

You can continue to check the online sites for this particular doll but asking prices mean very little as only sold prices will show what someone is welling to pay. eBay is the only site that has a link to sold items.

You can check this site for your doll as the current prices are shown when you click on the doll.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 26, 20190 found this helpful

Is she the sitting gal? If I remember right, there was a boy and girl who were both sitting. They did not come together, but seem to get sold together sometimes. If you had both, I have seen them sell for $10-16 dollars for the pair.

I have seen the singles (just girl or just boy) sell $8-$10.

She is adorable!

PS. here is a little trick I just learned--do the clothes come off? If you can get them off and you have other dolls around your house--sometimes the outfits are worth much more than the dolls...especially if they fit American Girl dolls or other other 18 inch dolls. Or if they fit Barbie (11 1/2 inch dolls) or any standard doll size.

Word of Warning...You CANNOT advertise them as American Girl OR BARBIE or other name brand clothes...but you can say in the text of the ad that they fit (give the doll size--like 18 inch or 11 1/2 inc) dolls LIKE....

Some of the outfits alone--with shoes, can fetch $20-25.

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April 20, 2017

I have a J Miss porcelain doll "Jessica" 25/5000. I can't find any information about her or any clue what her value is. Could someone help me please?

Value and Information for Porcelain Doll - doll in white bridal dress in box
Value and Information for Porcelain Doll - closeup of face
Value and Information for Porcelain Doll
Value and Information for Porcelain Doll


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 20, 20170 found this helpful

There were 5000 dolls in this run. It is not rare or unique. I have found similar J. Misa dolls on eBay for less than $40.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
April 22, 20170 found this helpful

You have a beautiful doll but it is sad that it is estimated that over 90% of dolls available are worth no more than 20-25 dollars and usually less.
I hope you like the doll and wish to keep it or maybe have someone who would really like to have a doll like this.
here are current listings on eBay (your doll may not be here) that show an average of what sellers are ASKING for these dolls;

Here is a link to what some of these dolls actual SOLD for:

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October 6, 2019

This is a J Misa Collection the doll. Its name is Shirley. I am trying to find out its value.

Value of a J Misa Collection Doll - doll in a box


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
October 7, 20190 found this helpful

These are mass-produced dolls worth $25 and usually less.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
October 15, 20190 found this helpful

This doll manufacture mass produces dolls and sells them worldwide to all kinds of markets. The value of a doll like this is very low compared to the price you paid for the doll. The market is flooded with these dolls at the moment and there are people who are trying to give them away and only asking $1 for the dolls. There are others who are selling the dolls for $5 to $20.

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July 1, 2019

I trash picked a J. Misa doll. Can anyone tell me anything about it?

Identify and Value of a J. Misa Doll - doll wearing a green dress with a white eyelet apron and a dark cape


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 1, 20190 found this helpful

She is a sweet Irish theme gal!!

Hard to pinpoint the year...because they made so many Nationality Dolls.

Their website is very wonky:

You could try to contact them to see if they can date her.

As to value, sadly she has very little value at the moment. If you hold on to her around St. Paddy's day she may fetch a little more, but now, they if she sells, it would be for less than $10.

Most actually sit on eBay UNSOLD for months. There is just a glut of dolls on the market at the moment.

What a fun find though!! Maybe you can find a child who would love her!! She is adorable!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 1, 20190 found this helpful

I cannot find this exact Irish doll on eBay but they have other ethnicities for $25 and less.

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May 10, 2019

My husband acquired a J Misa 27" porcelain doll today at a thrift store. She is boxed and has her COE. On the COE is the name Rebecca and Amish. To the side of this is hand written 1/50. There is also a wooden heart painted with a basket and 3 tulips. I can find nothing on this doll anywhere. Anyone that can help or point me in the right direction?Information on a J Misa Porcelain Doll - doll in the box wearing "plain" clothes in solid colors




Information on a J Misa Porcelain Doll
Information on a J Misa Porcelain Doll


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 11, 20190 found this helpful

This 23-inch doll is asking over $97.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
May 11, 20190 found this helpful

This doll also has me quite puzzled, as I never knew any of the "big box" brands to have something like this has with the note about the handmade clothes by the Mennonites of Lancaster.

Also Mennonites and Amish are not interchangeable terms. Most true Amish dolls have no facial features as that is their culture, so that is an oddity that it calls it "Amish", but the clothes were made by Mennonites.

Now I have not seen every Misa doll, but the bulk of them were dressed in gaudy/frilly outfits. I have never seen one this plain.

The COA is a little hinky also--it has many of the lines of a real COA, but then the signature and the numbering don't feel right to me.

All that said--I hope you have something rare and unusual that I just have never seen (I sold dolls for many years in a variety of retail establishments for a number of years but clearly never saw every doll ever made)!!

So my suggestion is that there are a bunch of doll museums in the US. Call one and send pictures to them and ask.

This link has a list:

My feeling (and this is JUST speculation) is someone dressed a doll random doll (is the J-Misa mark on the back of the neck--it could even be a real JM, just not her real identity) and created a COA to give the illusion of value...I HOPE I am wrong as that would be terrible. We used to see box swapping when I worked retail--where people would swap an expensive doll and an inexpensive dolls' box so they would pay less for the higher valued doll.

Post back what you learn!! I am so curious on this one!! I love a good mystery!!

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November 14, 2018

I have an old porcelain doll laying around from the J. Misa collection, but I have no information about it except that it is 38 inches tall.

I'd like to know the value or possibly name of it.

Value of a J. Misa Collection Doll - doll wearing a fancy pink and burgundy lace trimmed dress
Value of a J. Misa Collection Doll
Value of a J. Misa Collection Doll


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 14, 20181 found this helpful

These are mass-produced dolls. It is a large doll, so it is probably worth about $35.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 14, 20180 found this helpful

She is usually called an Umbrella doll...becuase she carries one and I always thought because the dress bottom looks like an open umbrella.

I don't rmember their naming convention or if they just used numbers. Somehow numbers stands out in my mind.

I found a similar one in a purple dress that sold, no date, but looks recent, for 119.00. The bigger dolls have much more value than the small ones.

J Misa made a lot of dolls in the day and the taller ones have slightly more value than the smaller ones.

I don't remember their naming fact it may just have been numbers.

I can't find an exact match to yours, but a similar one in a purple dress sold for $119:

You can check eBay and google frequently to see if you can find an exact match for her...but I am guessing it will be selling around the same...maybe a little less because the blonde dolls now sell for less than dolls with brown hair (red haired seem to fetch the most probably because they made fewer.)

There is some neat pictures of other dolls (but no values) on this site:

If she were mine, I would start it in the 120 range and take best offer. Be sure to package her up for shipping and weigh her, measure box etc and put that all in eBay if you are selling there. Never let them figure postage costs--they are always wrong. You may need to click on the advanced selling tool to get to the place where you can put in your own shipping info. Well worth the time as you have to heavily package these items, and she is huge, so most likely there is going to be a balloon shipping fee and that will need to be paid by the buyer not you.

Post back how much you sell her for!! She is quite lovely!

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November 11, 2018

I found this porcelain J. Misa doll that I had as a child. It doesn't have a name or number, but I have the certificate of authenticity.

I would like to know if anyone knows it's name and value.

Value of a Limited Edition J. Misa Porcelain Doll - doll in blue satin dress with a matching hat
Value of a Limited Edition J. Misa Porcelain Doll
Value of a Limited Edition J. Misa Porcelain Doll


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 12, 20180 found this helpful

This certificate is meaningless. There were 2000 dolls in this run alone. This is a mass-produced doll. You can see them on eBay for less than $25


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 12, 20180 found this helpful

She is lovely. The COA usually has the doll's name on it if she was given one, although this may have been a few brands that just put the name on the box (I am hard pressed to remember that detail of when I used to sell them).

She looks like the brand you stated, J. Misa. She should have a stamp or marking on her neck under her hair to confirm that the brand on the COA is her brand.

If you have the box, that may add a tiny amount to her value, but sadly most of this brand of dolls sells for under $15 online. Sometimes dolls with red hair fetch slightly more (so if you are going to sell her, be sure to note red curly hair in the ad).

Here is a sample of those that recently sold. You can see at the bottom of the list there are several ringers in the brand that sold for more, but they are the larger dolls (over 20 inches tall), for some reason the tall dolls held their value more than the smalls.

I always tell people, if you love the doll, hold on to her, she may someday be worth more, but most likely, because they were so heavily mass produced, it will take a longer time to increase in value.

Thanks for sharing!

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May 13, 2019

I am wanting to know what my J. Misa collection doll is worth.

Value of a J. Misa Collection Doll - doll in a box
Value of a J. Misa Collection Doll


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 13, 20190 found this helpful

From what I have seen on EBay, they are worth $35 or less.

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