Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks July 31, 20180 found this helpful
I love these pieces. Where I am these sell in the $20-25 range each atcfleas and 2nd hand shoppes; $35-50 a pair. I don't see exact matches on eBay at the moment, so I am not sure if the national value is the same as the Pittsburgh area. I am guessing it is similar.
Painting usually devalues pieces, but if you are going to love them, go for it. They are quite functional!

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts July 31, 20180 found this helpful
They are worth in the $35 range. Painting usually deceases the value

August 1, 20180 found this helpful
Mersman tables are not rare, especially end tables, but when sellers post listings they tend to set their prices at whatever amount they think tables are worth or they go by some of the listings they see on eBay and Etsy. These asking prices can run from $35 - $500 for sometimes very similar pieces. It is a very rare thing to find where a table has actually sold for any of these high prices.
- Mersman furniture has always been popular but it is not generally considered a "high class" brand so the true value is usually much lower than people think.
- eBay and Etsy are the largest market sites for Mersman tables and, as I said, the asking prices run the gamut - all over the scale.
- You can check some out for yourself (not your exact tables, but some similar) .
- www.ebay.com/.../i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=mersman+end...
- www.etsy.com/.../mersman
- There is no way to check if any tables are being sold on Etsy but eBay does have a sold listing page and if you check this out you will see what people are actually buying and paying (sold price in green - past several months sales).
- www.ebay.com/.../i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=mersman+end...
- Most sellers leave listings up for a long time; maybe months and months (and sometimes years - dealers also) and most will never sell at these high prices.
- If you check out any of the listings you will usually find that tables will not be shipped but are listed for "pick up only" which just means that tables are for sale in the seller's local area (almost same as Craigslist). The reason a true value cannot be stated is because what may sell for $100 in one metropolis may only be worth $35 in another maybe smaller city or just different types of people in one opposed to the other.
- You can get a free appraisal but take into account that an appraisal is for insurance purposes and should be reduced by at least 40% for a resale value and that does not take into account the area the table is located.
- antiques.lovetoknow.com/Free_Antique_Appraisals_Online
- You ask about painting - it is true that with genuine antiques it does devalue the items but these tables are not antiques and I have seen some of these table sell for much higher prices when professionally painted; especially in the 20's Art Deco Style. Some of these tables have Formica tops (very slick) and do not do well with paint.
- Check out your local Craigslist - this may be your best bet to sell your tables.
Here is where a table like your recently sold for $40 but you will have to log in to see the table itself.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts August 1, 20180 found this helpful
Normally painting any Mersman table will decrease the value of the table so much. Your best bet is to sand them down with a piece of fine sandpaper and restain the table.
In the past, people listed these on eBay and they were selling for $20 to $30 each. I did see a few sets last year sell for $60.
These are nice tables and I remember seeing them at my grandma's house when I went there to visit. Actually, I saw many of these tables in a few of her friend's home.