September 4, 20180 found this helpful
There are a lot of Mersman tables on the market but I have not seen a coffee table like yours as the harp or lyre style tables are usually parlor, occasional or lamp tables and many have a drawer. In fact, I believe one of this style table has the same number as yours - #7180.
- Plain "surfboard" style coffee tables seem to be the favorite style right now but your harp table may still be in a higher value bracket.
- Some of the "surfboard" or Danish style tables are selling for $300 - $400 dollars but not sure how the condition compares or where you are located.
- Location means a lot with value as these tables are expensive to ship and when a buyer has to add $50-$75 for shipping they may just wait until they find one closer to home.
- eBay is the biggest selling venue but it is not a good place for inexperienced sellers to list large items for sale. But, eBay does have a lot of traffic so it would get a lot of exposure.
- Here are some tables that have sold on eBay over the past few months. Many of these will have "pick up only" so that just means the buyer will be in the seller's area.
- www.ebay.com/.../i.html?_nkw=mersman&rt=nc&LH_Sold...
- Here is a link that has a little information about how to use the numbers to date the tables but generally most tables are listed as "mid-century" as the true dates are unknown.
- articles.mcall.com/.../3660941_1_occasional-tables-walter... numbers
- I do not know where you are located but sales may move faster on a local sale site like Craigslist, IOffer, LetGo, OfferUp, Facebook MarketPlace, USA4Sale as people like to see furniture so they can know the condition is as described. Perhaps there is a site you are already familiar with?
- ThriftyFun receives a lot of questions about Mersman furniture so you might want to read some previous answers.
- www.thriftyfun.com/Finding-the-Value-of-Vintage-Mersman...
- Here is an excerpt from an appraiser dated 2006 but value has not really changed a lot for the average table.
- "Mersman Brothers Corporation of Celina, Ohio was a premier American table manufacturer in the Depression era of the 1920's and 1930's. Mersman is the single most widely found name on any furniture in America. It is estimated that nearly half of all American homes in 1932 had at least one Mersman table. The model #7180 indicates a very late model. Most Mersman tables in good condition are valued in the very low $100 range because there are so many of them."
Here is some information about the Mersman Furniture Company:

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks September 5, 20180 found this helpful
Pretty piece! Where I am in PA these have held their value, but not everywhere!
The best way to find value is to look for sold items to see what people are actually paying. I always use eBay.
There are not any sold of these on at the moment, but there is a set of 3 pieces you could watch (link at the end of this message) to see if it sells and for how much.
The table in the link looks like a match to your table--based on the lyre and wheat design (I can't tell from your photo if yours is mahogany or an oak...if yours is mahogany--an exact match--when this sells you can get an idea of value (roughly half of what is sells for since there are 3 pieces and the two matching end tables would be half/the coffee table the other half). If yours is oak, I apologize. You will then need to find an oak version and watch it to see when it sells (there are none on at the moment).
The other option to value is to talk to an antique dealer about insuring yours and he/she (if trustworthy) will give you an insurance value which will help if you are trying to actually insure, or sell.
This piece is not rare, but is still lovely and sought after by folks in areas where there are old craftsman style homes that they want to furnish with period appropriate pieces.