Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts March 20, 20181 found this helpful
For the exact year this was made, it is not easy to find. The company mass produced a lot of these types of tables when they were in business. However, for the price they normally sell by supply and demand.
It will depend on how many people are looking for this exact model of the table and how much they are willing to pay. These tables normally sell for around $100 - 150 in good condition.

March 21, 20180 found this helpful
Mersman table prices have gone up and down over the years but they are still a well liked brand of furniture.
- One appraiser made the following statement:
- Examples of Mersman products can be found almost anywhere. In spite of their excellent construction and sometimes innovative styling, Mersman tables today have little collector value due to their overwhelming availability.
- During the company's existence there were over 30 million tables made. Which lead to a much quoted remark; In the 1920s, the company bragged that one out of 10 tables in American homes was a Mersman. But most believe It probably was more than that.
- Mersman coffee tables are popular on auction sites and especially eBay and Etsy. Here are some styles that are presently listed on these two sites.
- www.ebay.com/.../i.html?_odkw=Mersman+Coffee+Table...
- www.etsy.com/.../mersman_coffee_table
- As you can see the asking prices run from $40 to thousands but we have no way to know how long these table have been listed (and relisted) or if they will ever sell - especially at some of the very high prices.
- I did not see your exact table but that is not unusual as there are so many different sizes/style/woods and condition will many times dictate the actual selling price.
- All of the above things are "values" but maybe the most important factor is the tables location. The one thing most common in most auctions is the statement "pick-up only" as the seller does not intend to ship the table mainly because it would be very expensive and very difficult. So, even if you like a table and you are not in close enough proximity to be able to pick it up, then you would not buy the table (at almost any price). Any type of large, heavy (awkward size) furniture can cost from $75-$400 to ship to other areas (when shipped by an individual).
- I'm only stating these facts so you can understand how difficult it would be to put an actual value on your table. If you are located in a large metropolitan area your table may be valued at $350-$500 but in a lesser size community/city your table may only be valued at $120-$175.
- Most appraisers will only give you a "round house" figure or a higher figure for insurance purposes and not mention your location.
- You might try looking on your local auction sites (like Craigslist) for a better indication of what your style tables are selling for. Just look at nice coffee tables (any brand) and maybe this would help you more than looking at tables on eBay.
- It is sad but the actual numbers have no indication of anything (not year/date made) or at least no one has ever found a "list" of Mersman furniture information.
- Here is a link that has some information about the company.
- www.antiquetrader.com/.../
- www.facebook.com/.../
Here is the address of a very knowledgeable person that might be able to give you an idea of your table's value.