Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts September 21, 20170 found this helpful
This is an unusual item. Based on the fact that much less elaborate end tables are going for $75-$100 each, i would ask for $275 for this

September 21, 20170 found this helpful
As you have already found, there is not a lot of good information about your curio cabinet or even about most Mersman furniture.
- As far as I have been able to find (years of researching Mersman furniture) there is no list available that gives any indication as what the numbers represent - no list showing any relation to dates or type of furniture they represent.
- Some pieces have several numbers and other pieces have a 2 part number but what do they represent? No one seems to know.
- Mersman factory does have a site (facebook) but it appears it is for past employees mostly.
- I did find a slightly similar curio cabinet that was listed on eBay earlier this month. It was originally listed for $300 and then relisted for $200 but did not sell. The reason could be that it was listed as "pick-up-only" which means only in their city. This limits the potential buyers to that city only.
- I believe you can still look at the original listing. www.ebay.com/.../253128645965?nma=true&si=liBielJm6Rca4qnxcNXB3hrTxEU...
- You do not say you are interested in selling but if that is the case, I would suggest listing (with several good photos) on your local Craigslist as anyone interested could see the cabinet before they buy.
- This looks like a nice piece and if it were mine, I would start listing at $400 - $450 as you can always reduce the price if there is no interest shown.
Your best bet to find the real value would be to have it appraised. There are several appraisal sites that offer free appraisals and they are legit and give a good description and value. Of course, you can always try two sites to see how close they match. Here are a couple of links you can check out.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts September 22, 20170 found this helpful
It is worth between two or three hundred dollars.On E-Bay that is what they are listed at, not your mersman cabinet but other kinds.

September 23, 20170 found this helpful
Value of this curio cabinet.
- This appears to be a really nice curio cabinet and should be worth more than an average end table.
- I would suggest you visit some of the upper end furniture stores and look at the price of similar curio cabinets and I think you will know that yours is worth more than $200.
- You may not be able to sell it "over-night" but I would not sell it for less than $350 - $500.
- If listed on any site - just keep listing as new people look at these ads everyday.
- I know someone in the antique business that would probably pay that much but shipping is just too expensive and can easily damage the item and that is why they are difficult to sell.
Please have your curio appraised by someone on the sites I mentioned in an earlier post.