March 15, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer
Ashley Belle dolls are usually mass produced which lowers their resale value. Although your doll shows only 400 were made this is still a mass production because it is the largest doll - 40 inches is very large for the usual "domestic" doll and fewer large dolls are sold new or "preowned/used".
- Larger dolls (over 16-22") may sometimes sell for a little more money they are much more difficult to sell - very slow sellers on any auction site.
- This type doll is also very difficult to pack (safely) for shipping and also costly to ship.
- Your doll may be valued at $80-$125 but you may have to keep it listed for many, many months (or years even) unless you are real lucky and someone is looking for a doll to display in a store.
- I did not find any Cedrica dolls and only two 40" dolls listed on eBay or Etsy (these are the two largest doll selling sites).
- There were over 400 Ashley Belle dolls listed on eBay and Etsy and most were listed for under $35.
- www.etsy.com/.../ashley_belle_dolls
- www.ebay.com/.../bn_85192716
- www.ebay.com/.../i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc...
- Here are the Ashley Belle dolls that were sold on eBay over the past several months.
- www.ebay.com/.../bn_85192716?LH_Sold=1
- You can keep checking these sites for a 40" doll and maybe get a better idea of what yours might sell for.
- Dolls this size may sell better on your local sites (like Craigslist) and there would be no shipping problems.
- Craigslist is also very easy to list (good description and several photos required) and you could start your price at a higher amount - even $200 - as you could reduce it if no one shows an interest.
- Always be careful when allowing a stranger in your home to view an item as safety is a priority - better to meet in a public place.

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts March 15, 20180 found this helpful
These are mass produced dolls that are not worth much. This doll is larger than others, and could be worth $35-$50.

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts March 15, 20180 found this helpful
Ashley Belle is a doll that is widely mass produced these days. There isn't much of a resale value on these dolls because of how many are widely available.
Normally people are selling these 40" dolls for around $15 to $35.