
Vinegar Life Hacks

Clean Blocked Drains - Pour half a cup of baking soda and a cup of vinegar into the blocked drain. It'll foam for a while but the drain will get cleared out. Wash with hot water. This can be used to clean toilets too.


Remove Tape Residues - Spray some vinegar onto the sticky residue area and saturate it. Wait for 5 seconds and clean with a cloth.
Remove Smell from Dustbins - Dustbins, over time, accumulate a rotten smell even when empty. To clear it, soak a piece of bread with vinegar and place it at the bottom of the dustbin. By morning, the dustbin won't smell anymore.
Tile Cleaner - Mix one parts vinegar with two parts water and a few drops of dish soap. You can put this in a spray bottle and it works really well.
Keep Flowers Fresh Longer - Along with the water that you put in the vase for the flowers, put 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This keeps flowers fresh longer.
Clean Sunglasses - Spray some vinegar on your glasses and clean with a soft cloth. It will remove all dirt and dust and make them shine.
Removing the Smell of Urine - Vinegar wonderfully cleans urine smell and prevents animals from urinating again at the same place.
Clean the Microwave - A small bowl of vinegar heated up in the microwave will loosen even the most hardened stains. All you have to do is wipe them away with a cloth.
Kill Bacteria in Meat - Marinate the meat in a little vinegar to get rid of all the microscopic bacteria that may infect you.
Prevent Lint from Clinging to Clothes - Add one cup vinegar to each washload. It keeps the lint away!
Keep Cats Away from Furniture - Spray a little vinegar on the fabric of the sofas. The mild acidic smell is hated by cats and keeps them away.

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
March 14, 20150 found this helpful

Here's an experiment for you. Take some bacon grease and coat the inside of a glass with it - a heavy coat, maybe a 1/4 of an inch thick or more. You are simulating a clogged sink. Put in a couple of tablespoons of baking soda and then add twice as much vinegar (say 4 tablespoons). This will foam like crazy and keep overflowing. Do not add hot water, as what we are doing is seeing if the baking soda and vinegar bubbling action will dissolve the bacon grease and clean the glass.


Coat a second glass the same and just fill with very hot water, boiling if you can.

Watch to see which glass clears first. You can leave the baking soda/vinegar glass as long as you want - add more vinegar, etc. but it will never clear. The hot water clears out the bacon grease.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 131 Feedbacks
March 16, 20150 found this helpful

I agree with the apple cider marinade but not just for killing bacteria, for the taste ! You can use it when cooking a turkey or a chicken. You can either marinade the meat with apple cider, unpeeled garlic cloves, slices of onion, thyme and a leaf of laurel or to save time instead of a marinade you can boil the turkey or the chicken for 20' (or more depending of the size) with the same ingredients and then roast it in the owen keeping the ingredients you used to boil it plus slices of apple or pineapple.


When it is roasting and all the apple cider vinegar has evaporated add apple juice or orange juice or any fruit juice. If you don't have fruit juice add light tea but never add plain water to roasting meat. It has to be apple cider vinegar of course not the white alcohol vinegar which only use in the kitchen is for cleaning it. With beef prefer the red wine vinegar. Bon appetit!

PS: By the way vinegar is a french name. Spelling in French is "vinaigre" vin = wine, aigre = sour that is sour wine. One of the main place of production was Orleans on the river Loire were wine used to be transported by boat from the Loire valley's vineyards. The wine could turned sour during the journey and was then sold as vinegar.

April 23, 20150 found this helpful

I use a lemon to do the microwave but now I am trying the vinegar. Thanks.


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