
Vinegar for Fleas?

My chihuahua has fleas so bad that she is pulling her hair off and she is even turning a darker color around he butt end she is white so it is easy to see her skin. I am wondering if it is alright to spray vinegar right on her. Wouldn't that sting?


Vinegar for Fleas?08/12/2004
Why would you want to use vinegar? Don't think it would take care of your problem. Go to your vet or groomer and get a pill called Capstar. It will kill all fleas within an hour (only good for 24 hours). Then get Frontline Plus to apply to the back of the neck. This last for 1 to 3 months. That should take care of your problem and your doggy will certainly feel better too.
By Sue (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?08/12/2004
Use dishwashing liquid to bathe dear wee poochie. A few drops in the warm water should do fine . Start sudsing at her head & the fleas will run down to the water in the dishpan & drown. Rinse the darling in nice warm water and get her dry fast, use a blowdryer on low and hold it from a safe distance if she'll tolerate it. You don't want her taking a chill.

Dawn is especially gentle, it's used to clean marine animals and birds from Oil spills. It's gentle on their skins but kills insects with Very Satisfactory efficiency.

You can mop floors with it too. I keep some diluted in a spray bottle, it makes a good all purpose cleaner as well.

By Linne Dodds (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?08/16/2004
I'm all about non-commercialized products if possible too. I know that Frontline would probably take care of the flea problem, but if those meds have the capacity to kill fleas within an HOUR, how toxic are they to the dog?! I heard EUCALYPTUS works well!
By sjk
Vinegar for Fleas?09/10/2004
I read a tip the other day that I thought was pretty good. Keep your lawn mowed short - the fleas do not live in sunlight places and prefer dark places and by keeping your lawn mowed you might eliminate many of these pests.
By Diana Dwyer (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?09/10/2004

2 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 cup vinegar
Add 1 tsp dish soap

In custard cup, don't slosh (so it doesn't make suds). This has worked very well for me.

By Jayne (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?09/11/2004
Your lawn needs to be 3 inches long to be healthy. If you cut it shorter, it starts to die, then recovers, just in time for the next mower attack. My grass is green unless a dog gets it while my neighbors are constantly trying to revive a yellow brown patch.
By Jill (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?09/12/2004
Frontline Plus... AMEN!
By teresatrey
Vinegar for Fleas?09/29/2004
The best flea stuff I have come across is called biospot. its smells like oranges. when the smell is gone, it is safe to pet the animal, works wonders, still flealess.
By corinne (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?11/20/2004
Just a note.. I used Biospot on my dog and it almost killed her. I had to rush her to the vet with rectal bleeding. He told me it was from the Biospot, and he has seen several cases with this product.
By mindy (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?02/18/2005
I moved into a place that is infested with fleas, and my poor dog is suffering. Before now, I had used Frontline and it worked, but I applied it at the beginning of the month, and it is NOT working. I once worked at a Vet clinic and I think it numbed me to what should be considered acceptable treatment for pets. We introduce so many chemicals into our households thinking they're safe because companies are pushing them on us. We put chemicals on our pets and ask why someone would use vinegar. It's all quite ridiculous that people still think these insecticides are safe. I am open to any suggestions for NATURAL remedies for this flea problem. Thanks!
By judy (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?07/08/2005
We have a dog and we used vinegar on ours and it made all of hers fleas go away. Frontline works but it is egspensivek
By tara elanora (Guest Post)
Vinegar for Fleas?09/22/2005
Frontline does work - and very well, I might add. Nevertheless, it is still worthwhile to use other methods.

Fleas HATE eucalyptus (and many other insects do, as well). It is an old homeless trick-- if you must sleep outdoors, find a eucalytus grove and sleep there. There won't be any fleas. With this knowledge, you can use eucalyptus oil (carefully-- it is potentially very irritating) in key areas to discourage fleas. There are other herbs they dislike as well. I know about the effectiveness of eucalyptus because I am from California. Try putting the oil on something you can sprinkle on your lawn around the house or in your basement. If you can, put it on your pet's bedding (just make sure they don't come in direct contact with it). It will help.

If your pet is seriously infested, though, go to the vet and pay for the frontline (get it through the vet - the retail version doesn't work) until the problem is under control. Not only does a severe infestation make the animal miserable, it could potentially cause other problems. Once the fleas are under control, then use other methods to keep them that way.


By Denise2003

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