How many times do I use vinegar for a scalp fungus treatment in a week? Is shampooing mandatory before the vinegar treatment or do I wash the hair normally with water daily. I'm totally confused. So can someone tell me properly what I must do for this treatment?
By Hashmat
Vinegar would be safe to use at least twice a day if you want/need. I suggest distilled vinegar. Use it as a rinse after shampooing but don't rinse it out with water after applying (the vinegar odor will go away in just a few minutes). If full strength vinegar stings (because you have a fungus/irritation) try diluting it half distilled vinegar and half distilled water. Personally, if I were trying to get rid of a fungus I'd put up with the temporary sting of full strength.
PS - Yes, shampoo your hair first because that also helps get rid of the bacteria that causes fungus.
Hi - my daughter has long hair and tends to shampoo every day. She got some kind of fungus (itch but no flakes) on her scalp and tried medicated shampoos but these did not help. She does not rinse with vinegar but has it in a spray bottle that she used to wet down her scalp a couple of times a day.
This method was only necessary for a few days and itch has not returned after several months. If you use this method you can use any empty clean spray bottle or a new one from the dollar store. If no spray bottle is available try wetting cotton balls with vinegar and dab on any spot that bothers you.
I do not believe the type of vinegar matters but the clear type may have less odor. Vinegar is good for many things around the house.