How do you get wallpaper off the wall?
Jackie from Tell City, IN
I've use the fabric softener method for years. You MUST let it soak into the paper. And most importantly, remove the paper when it's wet. If you try to remove it when it's dry it will re-stick itself. (03/21/2008)
Rent a steamer, buy a scraper, and it should come off for you. Taking wallpaper down is a pain no matter how you do it. Plan on taking breaks or you will drive yourself crazy. Have a short story to read out of a magazine and maybe a cup of your favorite tea or maybe coffee. Good luck. Have fun. Invite some friends to help, and take some breaks together. (03/22/2008)
By Darlene
I have found the greatest thing for removing wallpaper. It is called Dif Wallpaper Stripper, made by Zinsser products. You put it on like paint, let it sit for 15 min, reapply, and wait another 15 min. It worked so well that I was able to start scraping it off with my finger after only 10 min of it sitting! I had 5 layers of wallpaper and a layer of contact paper, and this stuff took it all off. It is unbelievable! (03/28/2008)
By Kath
We began with the DIF Spray. After hours of hard labor, scraping and scraping, it wasn't working. So I searched on "wallpaper removal" which brought me to this page, and one of the suggestions was to roll the DIF on. I gave up for the night. The next morning I went and got a 1 gallon jug of the DIF remover and applied it with a roller, and boy what a difference! It worked great. So my "bad luck" was not with the product, just the application that I tried to use it in. My advice is to skip the spray bottle, put down a drop cloth, and roll on the DIF. It definitely made a "DIF" difference for me.
I rolled it on and only waited about 10 minutes versus the directions for 15 minutes. But beware; if the DIF dries you will need to reapply and wait the 10 to 15 minutes for it to work. I also used a paper tiger (prior to applying the DIF) to score the wallpaper and plastic scrapers so not to damage the drywall. (11/29/2008)
By Lyle
The best product I have found for removing wallpaper is Wallwik. It uses wallpaper removal sheets. The sheets are soaked in warm water mixed with a paste dissolving solution. The sheets stick to the wall and the solution slowly soaks through to dissolve the paste. Pros: It's much quicker than steaming and it doesn't damage the drywall. Cons: The sheets are reusable, but you have to buy more solution. (12/07/2008)
By Mathew C.
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