
Water Spots on Shower Doors

I have tried just about everything to get the water spots off of my glass shower doors. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do for this problem? Thanks!

JLeo from MA


Water Spots on Shower Doors

Have you tried vinegar and water? You probably have. But maybe you are not leaving it on the stains long enough. Sometimes you have to soak something (like a shower head in a plastic bag full of vinegar and water mixture) to break up the deposits left from minerals in the water. Try to keep the vinegar and water WET on the shower doors for a day or more.


I suggest making a bucket of vinegar and water 1:2 and then soaking a big towel in it. Then hang the towel over the door and make sure the wet towel has contact with the glass. You will need to wet the towel a few more times or it will dry out after a while.

I hope that works.

Good luck! (09/14/2004)

By Karrie

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Karrie is right, vinegar and water works great to remove water spots. After I complete the removal of the spots, I wax the glass doors with car wax polish. Any brand will due that will bead water. I also wax the side shower walls, which helps soap scum from sticking. Just don't wax the shower bottom (floor), it could cause slips! :-) (09/15/2004)

By Linda

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Lemon oil! After you have cleaned and thoroughly dried your shower door, polish with lemon oil. I have used this for years, and it's amazing. It not only removes the water spots, but it keeps the soap scum from building up. (10/23/2004)


By vickie

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Hard water=soap scum
Listen up everybody, if you're having this problem then go to Wal-Mart's automotive department and in the windshield wiper section you will find a product called RainX, get it in the spray bottle. After your doors are clean apply this product according to the directions. PRESTO! You won't have anymore water spots or scum, use regularly. (01/07/2005)

By Jerry

Lemon Oil for the Shower Door

Lemon oil on a soft cloth or paper towel will remove water marks from a glass shower door and tile.

By lahlbrand (02/03/2005)

By ThriftyFun

Water Spots on Shower Doors

I use Avon's Skin-so-Soft, or just plain baby oil. Use a paper towel and put oil on it, wipe shower doors down every couple of weeks. (02/03/2005)


By donna

Water Spots on Shower Doors

My glass shower doors are always sparkling. I bought a chamois-like auto drying cloth at an auto supply store. I cut it in half because it is quite large. Every time I take a shower I wipe down the walls and doors with this cloth. The tub area always looks clean and I never have spots, soap scum or mildew.

To remove the spots already there, I would suggest mixing 1 cup of vinegar into about a gallon of very hot water. Apply to the spots, let sit for a few minutes and then wipe off. Good luck.


By Carol D.

Water Spots on Shower Doors

I use the gel soaps in my shower, and never do I get water spots. Think I have wiped down the shower door once in two years. (02/03/2005)

By Nancy

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Bar Keeper's Friend! You can get it at Walmart for $1.70 depending on your location. Check out their website: It cleans glass doors, glass, tile, fiberglass, stainless steel, copper (a great polisher). I've even used it on my white wall tires. I could never be without this product as it serves so many cleaning projects well. Try it, I'm sure you'll love it! (02/03/2005)


By jjager

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Murphy's Oil soap does wonders. Once clean, either wax or wipe dry after each shower to keep clean. (02/05/2005)

By Debbie in MO

Cleaning Water Spots

To clean water spots from ceramic tile or glass doors of showers, dip a soft cloth into lemon furniture oil and wipe easily and quickly. They all disappear.

By Lucy A (02/08/2005)

By ThriftyFun

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Thank you everyone. I never could be able to find what works the best to get those water spots off. I think I have probably bought like 50 dollars in cleaning stuff to get those spots off but nothing works. Bam kind of worked for me but not really. The vinegar and water idea was good, it worked wonders for me. Thank you! (01/22/2006)

By Angie

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Spot-X will remove water spots, but it takes some elbow grease to get the job done. Don't bother trying any of the oil based products suggested. They are great to prevent spots but won't remove them once they have occurred. (03/02/2006)


By Petetra

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Rubbing alcohol may work. Then I'd try the RAIN X like Jerry Posted. My DH uses that on the car..WOW (03/20/2006)

By Kelly

Water Spots on Shower Doors

I have the answer! I tried all the products mentioned: Vinegar, Lime Away, Murphy's oil soap, Ceramabrite (which actually worked the best) and finally I found the answer to 7 years of built up water spots.

"GoJo" Natural Orange pumice hand cleaner. You can find it in your local auto parts store.

I was skeptical at first because it was gritty. My husband felt badly for me watching me try so many things and asked around at a local glassier. They recommended this product. FINALLY I got the spots off my shower doors. I applied the product with a paper towel and then used a wet terrycloth rag for an initial rinse.


I then rinsed the glass completely with the shower head and followed up with Windex. My doors are so sparkly, I am going to apply Rain-X to avoid this big job again!

I really hope this helps. I was at my wits end and was ready to give up! Give it a try. (04/04/2006)


Water Spots on Shower Doors

Baby oil is awesome. I use this and it will make your shower doors look brand new. Just get some in a spray bottle and spray on the doors and wipe off with a clean cloth. I hope that this will help some of ya'll. (04/24/2006)


Water Spots on Shower Doors

I use Kaboom, a product put out by the makers of Orange Clean and Oxyclean. It also works great cleaning a stained kitchen sink.

To prevent the water spots, I use Clean Shower after every shower and only have to clean my shower about once every 6 months.


By Joy

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Bar Keeper's Friend is the ticket. It removed all my water spots after trying several different products including Spot X. (06/25/2006)

By Ashley

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Try diamondite d3, it works! Find it at (07/10/2006)

Water Spots on Shower Doors

I concur about the furniture oil. I put orange furniture oil on a window outside the house that had a serious white foggy stain from the sprinkler water and it just wiped off the white like magic. The window looks brand new again, and it was nice that I could use something I already had under the kitchen sink. (10/25/2006)

By Nikk

Water Spots on Shower Doors

I saw the post about the GOJO Orange Hand Cleaner. I had some under the sink and tried it. It worked GREAT. The entire door is clean and clear and the entire job took about 15 minutes max, with only moderate scrubbing. The white deposits cleaned right off easily. I highly recommend this. (12/05/2006)

By John

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Spent the last 5 hours trying everything on the shower doors of my new house - Kaboom, Fantastik with Bleach, STRAIGHT vinegar, Scrubbing Bubbles, and then stopped and found this site. With hope in my heart I then went and tried GoJo Natural Orange, this didn't do a thing so I tried Easy Off Oven Cleaner.
Nothing has touched the darn spots. Next...I think I'll try a hammer. (02/04/2007)

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Baking soda? (02/04/2007)

Water Spots on Shower Doors

The vinegar is the key. Vinegar is acetic acid (still called Aceto in Italian) and will dissolve the water stains, which are really just calcium deposits that fall out of solution and adhere to glass as the water dries on your door. I have never tried the lemon oil thing, but I bet it does not remove the stains; it probably just makes them appear clear. You may have to really rub to get the stains out the first time. Rain-x and any car wax will simply coat the surface of the glass to prevent water from pooling and drying there. (03/23/2007)

By Pat

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Some water spots may not be removable if the material the door is made from is NOT glass but something more like Plexiglass. (04/01/2007)

By Carole

Water Spots on Shower Doors

Try this:

  • Mix 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 1 cup ammonia
  • 1/4 cup baking soda, and 1 gallon hot water.
  • Wear rubber gloves and work in a well-ventilated area when using this powerful solution. Apply it to the walls of the shower with a sponge, scrubbing with a brush, if necessary, to remove all the scum. Rinse well with clear water, and wipe dry. (05/10/2007)

    By Teri B

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    I use Lysol (Professional) toilet bowl cleaner (it removes minerals). I bought it at Sam's Club. Use a non scratching Scotch pad and rub a little squirt (dime size) on the pad and lightly press as you move the liquid around a 1 sq ft area at a time. Go back over it with a paper towel to remove excess liquid and to give final touch. It's really simple. Stinky (but better than lime away) and probably should use gloves. (05/18/2007)

    By Dani

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    I just read all the answers to water spots and decided to try the cleaner/polish for my glass top stove. It worked! (06/03/2007)

    By Ann

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    I have tried all of the suggested ideas and not one of them worked, as a matter-of-fact some of the products made the glass look worse. I would give anything to get the glass clean. (08/05/2007)

    By Angela

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    Hurray to whoever discovered the "Bar Keeper's Friend" powder solution. It worked great! Just put a little powder on a wet cloth and the spots disappear. (08/27/2007)

    By Linda

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    Hello Everyone. I just tried lime away on my shower and it didn't work at all! After reading the posts, I think I am going to the parts store to pick up some GOJO. I really hope this works! Thanks Everyone. (09/12/2007)

    By Jennie

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    I just tried the GOJO and it didn't work. I need help! Any other suggestions? (09/13/2007)

    By jennie

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    Just tried Bounce and it worked great:

    1) Wet a new sheet of Bounce
    2) Rub all over glass shower door
    3) Rinse
    4) Squeegee

    I'll have to do this once or twice more to get every last water spot, but the shower door looks 75% better. Also, get a professional-grade squeegee at your local cleaning supply store. Much better quality than the ones they sell in Lowe's, Home Depot, or Wal-mart. (11/08/2007)

    By Harry

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    We tried Muratic Acid and a steel wool pad. They used that on HGTV and it worked with a lot of elbow grease. We tried it and it did not work. I am going to try the GOJO because we have some on hand. Then if I get them clean I am going to get RAIN X to keep it that way. I have tried all the products for tile I could find plus Murphy's Oil Soap, vinegar, ammonia, SOS pads, soft scrub, steam cleaning you name it. I am all for a shower curtain, wash and hang. If it gets too bad you can throw it away and buy another one. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. IF I find a solution I will post it. Sure is nice to know I am not alone in my quest. (11/29/2007)

    By Josie

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    I use magic sponges with whatever cleaner I happen to have (usually Lysol or Scrubbing Bubbles) and then once dry, I go back over it with Windex so that they are not murky. The sponges work great in removing the water stains on my Plexiglass shower door BUT it will not get them all on the first cleaning. You have to be consistent in maintenance to keep the darn things clean. (01/01/2008)

    By Lissette

    Water Spots on Glass Shower Doors

    Just thought I'd share this tip. I use a spray cleaner that's for cleaning car alloy wheels, simply spray on and wait 10 seconds. Then rinse it off and presto, all the water marks and spots are gone. Polish with paper towel.

    A word of caution; make sure the room is well ventilated and don't let it settle on the bath or shower tray - rinse well. (01/11/2008)

    By Kevin

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    When really desperate I use dishwasher rinse aid on a non-scratch scouring pad. Wipe on, leave a few minutes, and then rub (upwards - against the direction of the drip is best) with the scouring pad. Rinse well; worked a treat in our last home and has just worked again in our new home. (02/05/2008)

    By Mealla

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    I had glass shower doors in my old house that I had never cleaned. One of my friends suggested Easy Off Oven Cleaner (NOT the low fume kind--just the regular original kind). I sprayed it on my doors (yes, I was scared but desperate), waited about 30 minutes and the spots literally wiped away with no effort. They looked absolutely brand new. I've used it on porcelain tubs, too. But, I wouldn't recommend fiberglass, though, as it seemed to "burn" the water spots in. (02/12/2008)

    By Roni

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    We have glass shower doors and I clean them with an SOS pad. It is easy and works great! Just be sure to rise well so that the SOS cleaning agent doesn't dry on other shower surfaces (like aluminum), which could cause potential staining. Good luck! (03/17/2008)

    By Susan

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    We've tried everything too, natural and chemical and steam. Because we have well water, we have a water softener that we put potassium chloride in (instead of salt). I wonder if there is something made specifically for those types of hard water stains. (04/05/2008)

    By Tammy

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    I've tried everything and found Bruces GSR from Ace hardware to be easy to use and good on stubborn deposits. (04/16/2008)

    By Bill

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    Just tried the Bounce trick and it was like a miracle! (08/08/2008)

    By Angie

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    My mom says WD-40 is the key for shower doors. (08/22/2008)

    By kathy

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    My husband just used Muratic acid and a scrub pad. Doors look new! Tip: Clean doors outside as the fumes can really hurt you if inhaled. (09/07/2008)

    By Rebecca D

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    I tried Bar Keepers Friend on my doors today after reading the feedback here. I'd tried all the traditional bathroom products before that. Anyway, with Bar Keeper's, the spots came off easily. What a relief! (09/13/2008)

    By CG

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    The ceramic cook top cleaner works like a charm! Thank you. Shower doors look brand new again. (09/22/2008)


    RE: Water Spots on Shower Doors

    Water Spots on Shower Doors

    The best way is to use mechanic hand cleaner, Gojo orange, or fast clean orange. Put some on a new SOS pad, scrub, rinse, then clean with glass cleaner. Promise, they will look like new. (10/26/2008)

    By tony g

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    September 26, 20210 found this helpful

    For the type of minerals that caused our hard water spots on our shower door glass (20-yrs worth), GOJO orange w/pumice worked wonders! Better than all other remedies (incl. Chemical Guys water spot remover - which works great on the car! DON'T use Gojo on your car's paint!) So, the users that say the Gojo didn't work, it must be diff mineral buildup from ours, bc the Gojo worked wonders!


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