
What Breed Is My Dog?

This is my 2 year old rescue. The abuse I took her from I couldn't repeat. It was heart breaking, I received her at 6 weeks weighing 1.34 kgs, and over that she had worms and fleas. I was told that her parents are Staffies, dad a brindle and mum I believe a blue, I can't recall. I was too shocked to care what she was. I just need to get her to a vet and even he has no idea what she is. We have had Friday nights and games based on guessing what's Ella's breed.


She is a very nervous dog, not aggressive ever, loves kids, and do not have a mean bone in her body. She is just very nervous and it is worse when I am not around. I spend all day/night with them. She weighs 13 kgs, is approximately 30 cms tall, maybe 40 odd cm long. Her brother, which I gave to a friend, is all white with black tips on his ears. Thank you all for your time.

By Julie-anne F.

tan dog with white on nose

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January 15, 20150 found this helpful

Julie-Ann, bless you for saving them:)

I raised AKC Boxers in the US 40+years and did breed rescue, my cousin raised Staffies. So I'm familiar with both breeds and combinations thereof - and I can almost guarantee you that dog isn't any part Staffie (no guarantees without DNA tests:), your gorgeous dog is a Boxer-German Shepherd mix.


Please use the mix as your image search term, I think you'll see what I mean. I'm in the UK now, and a snap of a dog looking JUST like yours is the first return on the search engine (GoogleUK). Once you tell the vet about the image search I'm sure he/she will have a 'forehead smack' moment:)

I probably don't need to tell you the best way to help your new love is to look at those pics then read all you can on both breeds so that you know what to expect as your dog matures (uh, be warned, with Boxers full maturity doesn't happen until around three years, so puppy behaviours are not mis-behaviours just immaturity).


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