
What Breed is My Dog?

Sophia is my baby I rescued from a shelter (I always do). They said she is a schnauzer mix. Does anyone have an idea what the other breed in her could be? I would appreciate a clue. Thanks.


Tina from Mission Viejo, CA

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February 4, 20090 found this helpful

Sophia looks very much like a schnauzer. Is she still a puppy or is she full-grown? Perhaps some Yorkshire Terrier too?

I just had my mixed breed dog DNA-tested and while we knew she had shepherd and labrador ancestry, we were shocked to learn she had an equal amount of Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog as well (she exhibits no physical traits of this breed).

The DNA test is called "Wisdom Panel" and can be googled as "Mars Veterinary".

February 4, 20090 found this helpful

We've used all the different places that do the Doggie DNA test and we now refer all our clients to the DNA Diagnostics Center. They are the ones you see on TV doing the human DNA but they also have a Pet DNA site


We have found them to be accurate and reasonably priced...and they just need a cheek swab sample.

By Tina (Guest Post)
February 4, 20090 found this helpful

OMG, it is not that important to do a DNA test. I have heard people tell me Yorkie. I think that is funny. That would make her a Schorkie or a Yowzer. Ha ha. Thanks for the help, but no, no DNA tests. Oh and she is 1 1/2 years old...such a tomboy. I love her.

By Claire A. (Guest Post)
February 5, 20090 found this helpful

I have a full breed miniature schnauzer. I would say your sophia is mixed with a yorkie (yorkshire terrrier) she is adorable.

February 5, 20090 found this helpful

Looks like a Yorkie, but it's so hard to tell. I once had a dog that looked like a small black lab, and I know for a fact that her mother was a white poodle!


You would never have guessed that!!

February 5, 20090 found this helpful

A totally agree......she has Yorkie in her.

By Minnabird (Guest Post)
February 5, 20090 found this helpful

This is my little dog, Poppy. I know the mother is a toy poodle, but they did not know what the father was. I think he looks more terrier mix. Your schnauzer could also be a poodle little dog's fur is not curly like a poodle at all, his is just slightly wavy and longer around his muzzle and head with little tufts here and there sticking out along his body.

February 5, 20090 found this helpful

My little dog looks a little like yours, but he is mixed with a toy poodle, of all things, and I believe he is more terrier than schnauzer. We know for sure the mother is a toy poodle, but they are unsure about the breed of the father. My little dog's fur is not curly at all, just slightly wavy and longer around the muzzle/head area with only little tufts sticking out here and there on his body.


You would never know he was part poodle. He only weighs about 6 pounds.

By Tina (Guest Post)
February 5, 20090 found this helpful

OMG, this so so fun and everyone is so kind. Poppy (Minnabird, he is a doll!) does look A LOT like Sophia. Yes her fur is not curly that is why I did not think she had poodle in her. Claire A your baby is beautiful too. (I would love to know his/her name.) I am amazed at how Sophia has ALL the markings of a Schnauzer. Funny I had a friend who had 2 Schnauzers, never was crazy about them. The ones she had had such SQUARE faces and were so low to the ground. Sure never thought I would own one, but they are so cute. Thanks TO ALL for your kind comments and the pics are to die for, I would love to be able to pinch all their cheeks. Do dogs have cheeks? Well I squeezes Sophia's (ever so gently) cheeks, at least where they would be if she were human ;) Thanks again!

By Tina (Guest Post)
February 5, 20090 found this helpful

Oh sorry...Belzin. Sophia is 1 1/2 years old.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts
February 5, 20090 found this helpful

I don't know but she sure is adorable.

February 7, 20090 found this helpful

hi tina his name is snoopy. he is now 3 the photo was taken when he was about four months old. he is a big boy now and thinks he is one of the kids lol.


Here is a photo of him now he looks like such an old man and needing a haircut but its too cold here in Scotland at the moment!

By Tina (Guest Post)
February 7, 20090 found this helpful

Thanks, adibooizzietoo, snoopy is so handsome ;)

January 18, 20110 found this helpful

Most certainly mixed with a Yorkie. I got my Maggie from the shelter also. She has the greatest face.


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