
What Breed is My Dog?

I'm not really sure what breed she is, but she seems to be at least part Husky to me and my family. What do you think?

By Laura from Houston, TX


medium sized dog

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May 22, 20090 found this helpful

You have a sharp-looking dog! My first impression was Malamute crossed with Doberman Pinscher or German Shepherd. But, her strong tri-color could even come from a Beagle, rather than an arctic circle breed, because her coat is so sleek. : D Regardless, I'm sure she is a delightful companion.

May 22, 20090 found this helpful

Hmm, yeah. She's kind of small so I'm not sure about malamute, those are bigger than her i think. She's about knee/over knee high and light enough for me to pick her up, if she's standing.


Thanks for the insight! I've never thought of her being mixed with anything other than German Shepherd, but makes sense the ones you said!

May 22, 20090 found this helpful

Hi, She looks just like our Malamute! She is slender, but when we got ours, I thought she was a cross with a smaller dog too! Our vet says she is all malamute. They aren't as big standing up as a husky. Our dog has the same tummy as yours too. They are nice dogs. There are several good websites on Malamutes. They are very smart, a little on the stubborn side, lol, but gentle and sweet. Debbie Columbia, SC

May 28, 20090 found this helpful

I had a dog that looked alot like yours (His name was Zorro). We believed him to be mixed with a Smooth Saluki. I even found some pictures on the breed that had the exact same markings. Saluki's are sight hounds so they have the slight build, deep chest and narrow abdomen area. Given the erect ears, I would say probably mixed with malmute or shepard


May 28, 20090 found this helpful

My guess is German Shepherd and Huskey mix. Great looking dog.

May 28, 20090 found this helpful

Our dog looks just like yours. He is a little darker tan than yours. We were told he is part shepard and part doberman.


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May 28, 20090 found this helpful

Do google Kelpies, Kelphounds are just like that. Do the search and then at the top (at least of my MSN) is a place to modify your search as an Image Search, so the results are all pictures.


You must check this out!


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