
What Breed is My Dog?

I was wondering if anyone can help me out with their ideas of the breed of our adopted puppy. She has a tan coat with some brindle pattern, too. Her coat is very soft and she doesn't shed much at all. I'd say her tail is very similar to that of our lab mix dog. She is approximately 6 months old. Thoughts? Thanks.


By Tim from Grand Rapids, MI

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December 20, 20090 found this helpful

Maybe lab with boxer? Whatever she is, she sure is cute!


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December 20, 20090 found this helpful

My hunch is you have a full blooded brindle boxer and here's the website that can help you decide.

December 20, 20090 found this helpful

Looks like my neighbor's puppy. The pet store said part Lab part Shepard but I don't believe it. Though, I do see some lab in yours.

December 20, 20090 found this helpful

Actually had to take her in to the vet today. She had a allergic reaction to something and looked like she went 12 rounds with the way her face swelled. I asked them and they thought maybe Shepard and pit mix?


The first shelter had her as a pit/lab mix and the other shelter had her as a lab/pointer mix, so we're hearing lots of differing opinions!


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Pets Dogs AdviceDecember 20, 2009
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