
What Breed is My Dog?

We adopted this puppy a couple of days ago. She is 16 weeks and weighs 17 pounds. What is she?

By Sheri


Tan and white puppy with large ears, lying on the carpet.

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January 23, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

Looks like there is a lot of Boxer puppy there - the way the ears are trying to stand up and are leaning over is very much like the way the Boxer puppy ears I used to raise in the US looked if the new owner didn't want them docked.

Also, the chest, paws, and body look like Boxer pup too. Might be something else mixed in there but I'd say the majority of the gene pool there is Boxer. I also did breed rescue and have seen similar puppies like yours who turn out to be Boxer mixed with Lab or Staffordshire Terrier.


Google Image search using the term 'Boxer puppies' and 'Boxer mix puppies' will give you thousands of pictures to scroll through to see I'm probably right.

Gorgeous dog. If indeed a Boxer, expect full maturity to happen by aged three years, and weight to be 60-95lbs depending on factors you have no control over - mainly what the mix is, and what the mother's health before and during pregnancy was.

Very active dogs who are great family dogs needing a lot of exercise - yours should be trained beginning now for obedience and good public behaviour - consider always keeping yours on a lead, muzzled if 'nippy', and be sure to check your local laws to be sure your dog hasn't been labelled a dangerous dog. Sad but true, Boxers and Boxer mixes have come in on those lists.


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