
What Breed is My Dog?

I was told the mother was a brindle Pit and the father was a rednose Pit. I have seen the mom, but the lady tried to fool me with a Google pic of a rednose Pit for the father lol. But for some reason he looks like he has Staffordshire terrier in him?


By Mike

Brown and white puppy with dark muzzle.

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February 26, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

That's one of the clearest examples of a Boxer-Staffie mix I've seen in a long time - and I have over 40 years experience in the US as an AKC Boxer breeder, many years of breed rescue, and a cousin who raised Staffies when I was raising Boxers.

American Staffordshire Terrier is the correct name for pit bulls - check the AKC site to confirm. Then scroll through the following pictures of Boxer-Staffie mix puppies:


And then find out what legislation is on the books in your area against Boxers and Staffies and mixes. I write 'against' because so many US localities are legislating against 'dangerous dogs' and this is a mix that makes the 'dangerous dog' list, sadly. They are generally wonderful dogs but they do take some extra owner care and that includes awareness of any laws regulating keeping them.

If it helps any, I now live in the UK and the mix is also considered a 'dangerous dog' mix here - several laws in place and more to come. If you feel you can't cope with the challenges the mix brings to your family (very protective, highly energetic, don't fully mature until around 3yo, more) combined with the need for specialty insurance, lead-muzzle-fence laws, please contact a breed rescue in your area so that darling dog can be rehomed to a family ready and able to take up the challenge.


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