
What Breed is My Dog?

We got Rocky from a rescue two weeks ago. We were told he is a German Shepherd mix. Some speculate he is a German Shepherd/Terrier mix. If this is so how big do you think he will get?


Two weeks ago he was 7-9 weeks old and weighed 8.4 lbs. Now he is 9-11 weeks old and weighs 12 lbs. He does not have big paws so some have said maybe 30-40 lbs. For some reason this does not seem right to me? Opinions are appreciated! Thanks!

By Nicole from FL

Tan and black small puppy.

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December 16, 20090 found this helpful

Hi Nicole, Your new puppy IS a Terrier. Maybe Boarder or some Welsh. Knowing what he is mixed with or how large he will be as an adult, will need a few questions. Measured at the shoulder, how tall is he now? Does his tail stand up or is it lazy? Or curl in any way.Does his tail have a lot of hair or is it smooth?


Do the Teeth seem large for his size, or just right? Any white spots on him? Are his Toe Nails all black? Is he well proportioned, longbody, short legs? Let me know, I'll try to help. I am an AKC Breeder and All Breed Groomer of 25yrs.
Living Water Ranch

December 17, 20090 found this helpful

Hi Susie! Thank you so much! I appreciate it! He stands at about 13 inhes at his shoulders. I could be a little off its hard to keep him still lol. When he is standing his tail is lazy, but when he gets excited his tail curls around or wags. His tail is pretty smooth. From his shoulder up he gets that wiry hair and then from the shoulders to his tail its pretty smooth like german shepherdy. His teeth; I don't know too much about their teeth, but they seem just right. His canine teeth (the fangy ones) they seem a little big to me.


But maybe not? No white spots on his coat. All of his toe nails are black, with the exception of one white toe. Yes long body short legs sound about right. Although I swear hes gotten taller in the past 2 weeks.

Here are some more pictures and a video of his to help you! Thanks again!¤t=puppy006.flv


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
December 17, 20090 found this helpful

His breed? Unique. He looks precious.


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