
What Breed is My Handsome Boy?

I rescued "Tink". I call him that due to submissive weeing. He came from a horrid abusive situation, when I got him at 10 to 12 weeks. However with alot of love, he is awesome.


We do have a few issues, like he is very clingy. He never leaves my side. I don't think we have been apart for more the 3-4 hours. To me he has the build and head like a Rotty, but being brindle coloring, I'm not sure.

He is 40 kgs, but I don't see him as a "big dog". The vets are unsure what breed he could be. Any advice would be great.

I can understand why he has to look right into my eyes when I am patting, talking with, him, and why when I shower he tries to get in. Same with the pool and beach. Anything I do. Thanks.

By Julie-anne F.

brindle dogs

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January 26, 20150 found this helpful

I did a quick search on boxers and the ones with brindle coloring also have a lot of white chests and their jowls are larger. I also checked out brindle pit bulls and learned not all pit bulls are white chested, but solid brindle. The ears on both breeds look alike.


The pit bulls jowls are not floppy and slobbery looking. Also, there are brindle color dogs in several other breeds. I guess you'd have to spend money for a DNA to determine actual breed(s) in your dog.


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