
What Breed of Husky is My Dog?

What kind of Husky is my dog? I recently adopted Zoey, she is said to be one and half years old. But, I am convinced she is younger by her looks and the way she acts. Many people have said she doesn't look like pure bred Siberian Husky. Some have said maybe she has some wolf in her.


By Samantha Dube from Denver, CO

Husky looking dog in papasan chair.

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December 14, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

Are there local breeders around that breed hybrids?

I have seen MANY huskies and own a hybrid/husky. They all look different. Some have short hair, some have more hair than others. It depends. She looks like she could be full blooded husky and she also could have wolf in her.

My hybrid is 30% white artic/timberwolf and 70% Siberian husky! No one knows she is a hybrid. And for the record, she gets all the same vacines any other dog gets and she does not react any differently towards them. The vet knows she is a hybrid. The vaccine thing in just a rumor. There is nothing that proves that vaccines react any differently in hybrids to other dogs.


I included a pic of my puppy for comparison! She was born August 2008!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
November 5, 20090 found this helpful

Read in the archives below and I am pretty sure you'll find your answer there :-)


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
November 5, 20090 found this helpful

Beware of vaccine, especially if she is part wolf. Talk to knowledgeable vet. Wolf and wolf x have bad reactions. Go homeopathic nosodes.


Check ingredients of vaccines on It'll knock your socks off. Documented. Makes sense.

November 8, 20090 found this helpful

Siberian Huskey. Does he have "Blue Eyes". Some of them do.

October 29, 20100 found this helpful

Because she has a larger head and looks a little bulky, she might be Malamute mixed with something rather than Husky. Siberian faces remind me of foxes, while Malamute reminds me of a bear and she looks like a big fluffy bear. She's gorgeous!

December 13, 20120 found this helpful

Its a husky. I have had many Huskies in my life. I have also own a wolf. A Wolf has more of a skinny face. This dog is 100% a Husky.

January 21, 20150 found this helpful

I have had a Husky but yours looks more like an Alaskan Malamute or Alaskan Malamute Husky mix. She may have some wolf in her.

August 2, 20170 found this helpful



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