What bug is this? I found many of these in my bathroom.
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You do not write what size this bug is. This bug do not look like bedbug, because it has no segmentation (there is no part with the head and the abdomen is very rounded). It seems to me this bug is very small. I think this is a mite.
Mites have little to no segmentation, measure 2 mm or less in length, have 8 legs.
I think you have Bathroom mites, they have size about 0.5 mm bugguide.net/
Mite larvae have 6 legs whereas the nymphal and adult stages have 8.
I'm not sure but your bug definitely resembles a bed bug.
Check out these links to see if it is a bed bug or just a similar bug.
If you determine that it is bedbugs check out professional DIY solutions.
You can also send pictures and questions to your county extension office/agency for help.
Here is an article with 10 look alikes for bedbugs...which you may have a look alike. Look at the image for the bat bug.
Post back what you learn! Hopefully you find figure it out quickly. Prayers for easy solutions!
This looks like a water bug to me. Step on one and see if it is squishy.
Wood boring insect or tick.
It looks like a tick to me, but I don't know why there would be so many in your bathroom.
Do you have any wooden furniture in your bathroom?
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