
What Kind of Snake is This?

My father-in-law found this snake in his garden this morning. We are wondering what it is? I am researching but no success yet, any ideas? I have other pictures with its markings. Thank you.


Hardiness Zone: 8a

By APRIL from SC


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May 22, 20090 found this helpful

it's hard to say, looks like a ground rattler maybe. Careful though it appears to have a diamond shaped head which is a good indicator of poison

May 22, 20090 found this helpful

It helps to identify the region where the snake was found. The photo was too low resolution to make a positive i.d., but I think one of these may be your snake --- good news, if so, because they are both non-poisonous. My bet is on the "rat snake" Your snake clearly lacks rattles, so is not a rattler.


May 22, 20090 found this helpful

This looks like a Water Moccasin or Cottonmouth, but it is actually a non-venomous species known as the Diamondback Water snake. They have evolved to resemble poisonous snakes so other, bigger predators will leave them alone. However, they are still very nasty, and when provoked, will take a hunk of flesh.

Notice how he arches his neck when provoked, and how the head itself is "diamond" shaped, closely resembling that of a viper. This is a much calmer Ribbon Snake. This one has green stripes, but they come in many different colors.


Columbia, SC

May 29, 20090 found this helpful

From the picture, I can not make a definate determination. Here are a couple of links to snake pictures. Since you or your father-in-law saw it close enough to take the picture, you would be the only ones that could definately determine.

I keep the second one handy as we live in the NE GA area and are surrounded by water and forest.

I hope this helps you. Sorry I couldn't help more.

May 29, 20090 found this helpful

Looks like the very rare but much feared rattleheaded copper moccasin to me.

May 29, 20090 found this helpful

I agree with the post about the head shape. I was always taught that the diamond shaped head of a snake means that it is poisonous. How worrisome!

September 8, 20110 found this helpful

This is definitely a Rat Snake. Harmless. The head probably has a "diamond-shape" because it was crushed.


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