
What Type of Dog Is This?

Can any one tell me what kind of dog this is? He showed up a couple of months ago, skin and bones, and now is acting like a circus dog with how he jumps and plays with his toys. LOL!

Ashley from TX

What Type of Dog Is This?

It is hard to tell from the picture how large he is. He might have some Jack Russell if he is small, like knee high. And they are jumpers. He's a cutie. Glad he's gotten his energy back. Also if you could take a picture of him from the side so we could see his tail it might help identify him.


Susan from ThriftyFun (07/11/2006)

By ThriftyFun

What Type of Dog Is This?

He doesn't look to be too big [compared to the bike wheel] and just looking at the way his ears sorta flop over at the ends, he probably has some terrier in him, which would account for the jumping. Terriers, for the most part, are very active dogs, they jump, they worry their toys and toss them around. Just be happy he's recovered, and enjoy him. He looks a love. (07/11/2006)

By Kay E. Diebel

What Type of Dog Is This?

Just wanted to let you know that some of the pictures I posted were taken a couple of days after he showed and bones! We have many names for him from Goblin dog, ghost dog, rat dog, and his regular name, Sam. He acts as if he was at least slightly trained before he was abandoned/ran away.....but I guess we will never know! (07/11/2006)


By Ashley

What Type of Dog Is This?

He looks like an American Bulldog to me. Look at this site.

I'm just happy that he found a loving home. Much love and happiness. (07/12/2006)

By samaree

What Type of Dog Is This?

I do agree with the American Bulldog, my brother has one that looks similar, but not the same, that is why I wonder if he's a mix?
Either way, he is a cutie! (07/12/2006)

By krista

What Type of Dog Is This?

He looks exactly like a Pit. My dog is similar in weight and bone structure, but markings are different. People have a preconceived notion on what a Pit is supposed to look like (massive head, lots of muscle) but if you get a book on Staffordshire Terriors (Pitbulls in America) you will see a similarity. Mei-Mei (07/13/2006)


By cj

What Type of Dog Is This?

Looks like a Jack Russel terrier mix perhaps? The animal shelter/pound is a good place to take him/her to identify the breed - they're pretty good at it! (07/13/2006)

By Tanya

What Type of Dog Is This?

Sure looks like a Jack Russell Terrier to me. They are great little dogs! (07/13/2006)

By Robin

What Type of Dog Is This?

The only problem with the Pit is that it is really skinny and doesn't have the skull to fit the discription that I can find on the web. I would take him to the pound, but he doesn't like car rides. He might have gotten "dropped" around here by a car so that may be why. He is about 14" tall and is scared of the silliest things like blankets.. It's funny to watch him. Oh yeah, we have a 3-4 foot tall porch, and he refuses to use the stairs, he will start running and then jump on the porch, he'll jump off of it also...It's amusing to watch him lol :)



By Ashley

What Type of Dog Is This?

I think it is a Jack Russel terrier.Certainly not a pit.Take it to a vet for a better opinion (07/14/2006)

By Dean

What Type of Dog Is This?

Looks alot like my dog that I think is part red heeler and pit bull. (01/17/2008)

By Allie in TX

RE: What Type of Dog Is This?

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