
What is The Fastest Way to Housebreak a Yorkie?

October 7, 2007

I got my Yorkie yesterday, (9 week old Ali) - What is the fastest way to housebreak Yorkies?

Shantel from Paragould, AR



By joy (Guest Post)
October 9, 20070 found this helpful

Sorry to tell you this but Yorkies are hard to house break! Mine is 7 years and goes on his paper and out side only when he feels like it. GOOD LUCK PS he's doll and very lovable and a snuggler.

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By (Guest Post)
October 9, 20070 found this helpful

The key to training most any breed is to start off right and don't expect more than a juvenile dog is able to deliver. You wouldn't expect a human baby to be potty trained in a week so don't expect a dog to be any different. As puppies, their bladder and bowels are very small and need to be emptied often. And when they play they get excited and eliminate more frequently.

My recommendation is to crate train a puppy. Dogs generally will not mess in an area that they have to sleep in. Get a crate that will accommodate the pup and, if you need to block off part of the space - do so, to give it just enough room to comfortably lie down.


A small pad or folded Bath Towel can be put in there to make it more comfortable. At night we also placed a small stuffed animal in there. Keep the puppy in the crate at night and at all times that you are not walking, feeding or playing with it. Remove the pup the first thing in the morning and take it outside. Bring it back in after it has gone potty and feed it. If it fails to go potty when outside, bring it back in and directly into the crate. If it did go potty outside you can play for 5 to 10 minutes and back outside.

Continue by bringing it back inside the house and back into the crate. After about 2 hours back outside, play, back outside and then back into the crate. It should only take one to two weeks and your puppy will get the idea that it has to go potty outside.


Because it is still young there may be an occasional accident and when that happens raise your voice in a stern manner and say: "NO" and put it right back outside.

Never never hit the dog or push its face into the mess.

If you follow these instructions your pet will be a good citizen in any house it enters.

Oh I know the argument that crate training is cruel. That's not true. Dogs are "Den" type animals and consider the crate their own little corner of the world and it shelters them from harm. Virtually all show dogs are kept in crates during transportation and in many case through the night even as adults.
How can I "housebreak"
or "Potty train" my puppy?
There is an alternative to having your dog GO outside and that's the use of a Piddle Pad. For apartment dwellers and others this may be the answer to keeping your living space free of spots.


The best choice is Incontinency Pads, available at most nursing home or hospital supply stores. They vary in size but I find the best ones are about 36 inches square. These can also be ordered online from . These reusable washable pads are absorbent and have a backing that wont wet through.

I don't recommend using Newspaper as the ink can be toxic and I DON'T recommend using the disposable piddle pads like the ones available at most pet stores. They have a plastic backing that most puppies find irresistible when it comes to chewing on them. If the pup ingests this plastic backing it could cause intestinal blockage as plastic does not break down from the digestive process.

For male dogs that lift their legs, place a fire hydrant substitute like a large coffee can or Plastic One Gallon Milk Bottle in the center of the pad to insure your little guy GOES in the right place. Smearing a little scent on the can will insure he knows what its there for.


Please keep in mind that the pup is very young, you wouldn't expect an infant to potty train quickly. Be consistent, praise the animal when it does good.It will take some time no matter what.Just remember patience is the key. Love the animal and be kind to it and it will reward you with unquestioning love for many many years to come...


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October 9, 20070 found this helpful

At 9 weeks - it's going to be a while yet before she(?) will be able to have good bladder control (at this age when her bladder fills, she'll go - she can't wait) - she'll probably be pretty dependable around six months. In the meantime keep her somewhat confined - block areas you don't want her getting to - close doors, put up baby gates - and having a crate isn't a bad idea. Take her out when she wakes up (night and naps), after she eats, and if she looks like she "might need to go". Don't make her crate a "punishment" - if she feels safe there, she won't potty there.


She'll likely need to go out at least every 2 hours, and for the first while you'll feel like you're the one being trained. Eventually she'll "get it", once she develops the ability to "hold it", and she won't need to go out so much. Look up crate training online - you'll find lots of info. You'll probably also find lots of advice searching this site. Try different things, and see what works for you.

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 126 Feedbacks
October 9, 20070 found this helpful

Keeping her on a schedule is one of the easiest ways to house train a puppy. Keep track of what time she goes, then make sure you take her out at those times, plus about every hour to begin with. Make outside time fun, so she will want to go out.

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January 3, 20110 found this helpful

There is nothing fast about house training yorkies!! Even when they get older, I don't think they will ever be 100% dependable. They are very hard to house break and require a ton of consistency. I have a 6 month old male and if I don't take him out in time, he has no problem peeing in his cage (no matter what the size) and laying in it. Gross! I have tried litter training, but he doesn't like the idea of going in the box. Didn't like the feel of the litter and I even tried putting pee pads in their instead, still he opted to go on the floor of the cage. What works for him now is put tape on the underside of a pee pad and put it in the back of the cage, and then I take a box (what was his litter cleaned and sanitized) and made it into a bed with lots of fluffy towels and blankets. I put the bed in front of the kennel where the door is as that is where he spends most of his time waiting for me to get home. This was very important because I didn't want him sitting on a wet pee pad. I also used a spray on the pee pads that encourages dogs/puppies to eliminate where it is sprayed.

When I am home, he stays corraled in the kitchen with a pee pad on the floor. I don't allow him to have the run of the house anymore because it is like they get to playing and all the sudden realize they have to they just pee on the floor. This may not be true with all Yorkies, but my aunt breeds them and she keeps them on the hard floor in the kitchen also and says she often has one sneak off and have an accident. They are so quick too...half the time when he would have an accident, I wouldn't find it until I stepped in the wet spot.

The thing to remember is that these are such tiny dogs and they have a very small bladder, so they can't hold it for very long. The rule is 1 hour per month of age. Don't expect your Yorkie to go for 10 hours at 6 months of age because mine still can't make it through the night and that's why I give him a pee pad.

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