
What is This Plant?

I am looking for the name of this houseplant. See photo. I am searching to find out why it only flowers every 3 or 4 years.

By Luc Juteau from Ottawa, Canada


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April 21, 20100 found this helpful

If the leaves are thick and fleshy like a jade tree, it looks like you have a kalanchoe or shrimp plant. I don't know why it flowers so infrequently.

April 22, 20100 found this helpful

That looks like a kalanchoe. Mine only flowers infrequently also. If you take cuttings they will root and live in water very happily---even on a North-facing window. They probably won't flower, but the green is nice to see in the winter.

April 22, 20100 found this helpful

This is a Kalanchoe, distant kin to the jade plant. It hasn't bloomed due to being pot bound. Go to a larger pot and see this take off with blossoms and new growth.

April 22, 20100 found this helpful

In my opinion, it looks like a Granola plant.

April 23, 20100 found this helpful

Thank you to all who posted a feedback. I looked at all possibilities and the one that is the most likely is "Kalanchoe".
I cared and grown the original plant for the past 20 years. It is a very nice plant and easy to care for.


What I do when it reach 10 to 12 inches I cut the stem in 3, remove the bottom leafs, put it directly into new potting soil and resume normal watering. I prefer to keep the top part only but will use mid sections if the top portions do not fill the new pot. Once a week in fill the pot with water and let it drain in a sink. The pot needs to have a drain hole in the bottom.

BTW at one point I filled a pot that was 4" by 24". Being a larger pot I could not remember if it blooms more often.

April 23, 20100 found this helpful

Looks like you have the name ,if the leaves are thick and waxy.if not,and the stems actually are sticks when dried out and the leaves are a lot like the leaves found on most trees and shrubs,thin and textured, you have a Lantana.If it IS a lantana, you need a much, much bigger pot,and a slightly sandy soil,in a southern well lit area.These are found everywhere in the deep,deep South and Florida, especially.if the soil is too rich, they just produce greenery.


They aren't trimmed at all,they branch out on stems,can become quite rangy,and I think they bloom on the old wood from the year before.They LOVE sun! You can go here to look at pics of lantana.I think that is what you have

April 26, 20100 found this helpful

It looks like kolanchoe. I had a problem with it flowering. But after some research I found that it needs to be shaded a while before it will bloom again. Also I bought one of the liquid fertalizer for blooming plants. It is in a small clear container and if I remember correctly the content looks like pink water inside the container. These can be purchased for less than a couple of dollors at most nurserys.


The container is to be put right in the soil for a slow drip process. But I put some of the drops in water and use for assorted pots successfully. One of mine got so big it was like a tree. So I cut it down and potted many of the pieces in good quality soil. I put it out side in the shade and had many of this plant as a result. I have never had luck rooting it in water.


April 28, 20100 found this helpful

From the photo it looks like a really large kanlanchoe...?


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