
What is This Plant?

I have a houseplant and I was wondering if anyone can help identify it. It needs to be tied to stay standing. It has large leaves that are red underneath and has grayish white marks on top. Does anyone know what this is?


Hardiness Zone: 5b

By Wendi from Craigmont, ID

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July 15, 20100 found this helpful

It looks like a bonfire begonia.

July 15, 20100 found this helpful

Begonia's flower don't they? This one doesn't.

July 16, 20100 found this helpful

I think its an angelwing begonia.

July 16, 20100 found this helpful

That is an angel wing begonia and it should get large clumps of pink flowers on it. Give it some fertilizer and a couple of hours of sun each day.


The flowers are gorgeous! Google it and see!

July 16, 20100 found this helpful

It's called Angel Wings.

July 18, 20100 found this helpful

Oh thank you so much. I Googled them and the pictures are identical to mine. I'm so glad it should flower, the plant it was clipped from had no flowers, so I had no idea. I'll fertilize and see what happens. Thank you all. :)


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