
What is This Plant?

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 170 Posts

Can anyone identify this wild flower? It seems to be a ground cover. I would like to use it for landscaping. Being it is a native plant, it will probably do very well. I plan on planting it in a pot before the cold weather sets in and keep it in the house. I usually pick some and place it in a small vase in the house. It lasts a very long time, and will keep blooming. I would also appreciate if anyone has a web site that they can recommend that will identify plants and such. I have searched but haven't really found any that were helpful. Thank you.


Hardiness Zone: 6a

By it' from NE PA

Cut stems in vase, with orange flowers.

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July 6, 20090 found this helpful

I know that I have seen this plant somewhere and admired it, but I can't remember where or when. The county extension agent or Master Gardeners in your area should be able to help. When you find the answer, please post the results!

July 6, 20090 found this helpful

Can you give us a close up of the leaf and the flower please?

July 7, 20090 found this helpful

Picture is blurry but it looks like a trumpet vine.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 172 Posts
July 13, 20090 found this helpful

For ID on plants, a good place to go is Also, if you join the HGTV site, there are message boards there for gardeners and it is a very active message board.


Just today, someone identified a flower for me. You will have to post better closeup pics though for a good ID as others have suggested.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 170 Posts
July 16, 20090 found this helpful

I found it! It is an interesting wild flower and has many different names. This is the info from one web site.

Scarlet Pimpernel... Anagallis arvensis
Scarlet pimpernel flowers are open only when the sun shines; their habit of closing in dull weather has given the plant the name "poor man's weather-glass."

Family: Primrose (Primulaceae)
Habitat: roadsides and waste places, usually in sandy soil
Height: 2-6 inches
Flower size: 1/4 inch across
Flower color: red-orange, occasionally white or blue


Flowering time: June to September
Origin: Europe

This is the web site that I used to identify the plant... -- use tab "Explore Plants" then open "Ask Mr. Smarty Plants". You can e-mail them and they will help you identify the flower. This is a very helpful web site.


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