This year my son's school supply list included an earthquake kit. I wasn't sure what that meant because when I think of an earthquake kit, it is usally quite large. So I asked my friends who are teachers and also wrote to the principal at my son's school to find out what needed to be in this kit. This is what I found out.
A school earthquake kit is mostly a comfort item for the kids in the case of an emergency, like an earthquake and the child was stuck at the school. It is good to put a few small comforting items in the kit like a note, a family photo and maybe even some candy. This kit will also insure that your child has some food and clean water available to them in the time that they are waiting to get reunited with their family.
School Earthquake Kit
That is a great idea to have. Each classroom will also have a can opener?
That is a good question! I think it would be best to add one in or get the cans that have the pull tab.
Oh yes very true! Probably would be easier to get cans with pull tabs. May be harder for younger kids to use a can opener.