Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts May 27, 20200 found this helpful
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I have 5 dogs that need grooming all the time. I normally groom my dogs every 3 to 4 months. The first grooming is good when they are around 6 to 8 months old because it gets rid of their baby hair and allows their adult hair to grow in. I see around her face and ears she is a little shaggy and could use a trim. It is important to keep the hair away from their eyes and to keep their nails cut.
This will help them so much. I am not so sure about he back and legs the hair there looks a bit short still but it is harder to tell. I would talk with the groomer and see what they suggest for her first grooming. It is good to start them young because they get use to the sound of the clippers and do not get scared.

May 28, 20200 found this helpful
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You can see in her expressions - she knows she is loved....
First grooming's are so important as it sets your pet up as to whether they will like being groomed or if they will be afraid when they walk in the door.
Hopefully you have been giving her baths so she is already used to the water being splashed around her and getting lovingly dried so she will not be afraid when the groomer places her in the 'tub' and turns on the water hose.
If this has not happened then I would recommend you wait on her first grooming until she has had several 'home' baths.
If baths are given in the family bath tub be sure there is a non-slip covering in the tub or a towel on the tub floor will also work.
Have some water in the tub (check temperature) and gently pour water from neck to tail - add a little blue Dawn and lather the fur (from neck down - no where near ears or eyes).
You can use a shower sprayer to rinse if you have total control but usually with a small dog it is best to have a container and pour clean water all over the body. If you have not used too much soap it will not take a great deal of water to rinse.
I always like to use a clean wet cloth to wipe their face and head - no soap. You can also wipe the ears this way.
If you see fleas you will have to do this a little different so you can kill the fleas.
Drying time should be fun for both - she should be able to do her shake after her first drying with the towel. Then complete the job with a hair dryer on warm so she will get used to the feel and the noise as this is generally what a groomer uses.
Getting a bath with a groomer will set the path for a nice haircut - just a minor trim on her first visit is usually recommended so she is not subjected to the noisy clippers for a very long period of time.
I would recommend that you wait until the grooming is finished so she will see you as soon as she is finished. Some people leave their pets and return later but that is not a good idea on their first and second visits (maybe never).
I hope she is seeing her vet and getting all of her first year shots/vaccination.

Gold Answer Medal for All Time! 617 Answers May 30, 20200 found this helpful
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so cute!
9 months to a year would be a good time
also her level of discomfort is key. If it's too hot, then a haircut can definitely help

May 29, 20200 found this helpful
Sounds like a love relationship to me.
I'm glad she is used to getting baths at home as so many people just skip this and let the groomer do it all but it can be a bad experience for a little one (not so much with the larger breeds). It's difficult to find a groomer who really cares about how to handle a newbie.
Be sure to tell the groomer that she is afraid of the blow dryer and needs to be towel dried - and - please wait for her to be finished with this new experience as this will be reassuring and tell her how cute she is so she can strut around and display her new hair cut.
Cheers - stay safe.