I got a beautiful geranium in May that gave me so much pleasure all summer. I did a little research on the internet and found that I could winterize it and it will bloom again in the spring. Here are the steps:
NOTE 1: If your plant stems shrivel during the storage period, discard it, as it will not survive replanting.
NOTE 2: I am up to step 6 and will post Part 2 when I am ready to replant in the spring.
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All my geraniums are in the ground. Here in Califorina we don't get frost much if any. What can I do for my geraniums in the ground for winter?
I bring mine in, repotting them for the winter. They bloom all winter for me and in Spring, I just put them outside. :)
I keep mine in house during winter. I water an fertilize it just like I do all summer.
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