DianaHM Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
May 21, 2021
I used a copper wire from an old transformer and nails to create a weather tool. So it is not at all expensive and not difficult to make this original ring.
Total Time: 45 Minutes
40 in copper wire (0.8 mm)
piece of wood plank
24 nails
wire cutters
compass or circle template
Draw a circle on the board equal to the inner diameter of the ring + 0.15 inches.
Use a protractor to divide the circle into 15-degree sectors.
Using an awl, mark the points of intersection of the sides of the sectors with the circle. Drive the nails into these points so that the nail heads are not flush. The nails will serve as uprights for weaving.
Bend the wire in half and go around the nail in the front, then behind the next nail, then in front of the next nail, and so on, until you go around all the nails in the circle. As you weave and twist, make sure to pull the wires and keep them nice and tight. Use the awl to straighten the wire.
Twist the wires and weave in reverse using the other half of the wire. The wires will be twisted. Weave until you get the desired ring width. I made 7 rounds.
Remove the nails from the wood plank and release the woven horizontal part of the ring. To fix the woven part, insert the nails back into the holes formed by the wire.
Pull out one nail and thread one end of the wire through these holes. Then skip one nail and pull out the next, thread the same end of the wire through the holes. Continue to weave in a round in the same way.
Make another round, but thread the other end of the wire into the holes after removing the nails.