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With a little bit of jewelry wire and a bead, you can make yourself a fabulous ring in minutes! Here's how.
Total Time: A few minutes
Source: Saw an idea like this online years ago, don't remember where! :)
- ring sizing mandrel
- desired gauge of jewelry wire, I used #20
- bead of choice, any size
- jewelry snips
- jewelry needle nose pliers

- You will begin by cutting a length of jewelry wire for your ring. I suggest using inexpensive, non-precious metal to begin. That way if you make a mistake, no big deal! I used 16" of wire to make a ring that was a size 8. Place your desired bead in the center of the wire. **Any size bead will work.

- Place your centered bead, still threaded with wire over the size on the ring mandrel that you desire. **Hint: from trial and error, the bigger bead you choose, it seems to give you a larger ring. You may want to try wrapping one size smaller than desired.

- You will begin by wrapping the left wire behind the mandrel and around a couple times.

- Now you will repeat the same step with the right wire.

- This is what you have now.

- Take your "ring" off the mandrel now. See?

- Take the right wire and pass it through the ring loop itself. You will wrap it around the top next to the bead and back through the ring as many times and as tightly as you can.

- Repeat the same with the left side. Do you see the sharp end sticking up?

- Easily fixed by bending it down with your pliers.

- See?

- The possibilities are endless, different size/color wire, different size/color beads.

- These would also make inexpensive and unique gifts. Your friends will think you're a jewelry artist, but it only took a second!

- Have fun! :)

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