When cooking ground beef for a recipe, I simply place the raw ground beef in a microwave steamer basket, then put the basket onto a microwaveable bowl. I microwave the ground beef until done and the grease from the ground beef drains from the steamer basket into the bowl. I have instant grease-free ground beef with no mess or hassle!
By Shirley
I rinse mine with hot water and watch the grease run down the drain. I rinse 4 times by filling the frying pan, with the burger in it, full of hot water, let the grease float to the top, then use the lid to hold back the meat and drain the water into the sink. Let the hot water run while you are doing this and for a minute after so the grease wont clog the sink. I use the side with the garbage disposal. Don't know if I would do this if I didn't have a disposal.
I purchase ground beef with the lowest percentage of fat. I never have any grease and better for you.
I too, rinse it in hot water after I cook it.
This might work with plastic ABS sewers, but with cast iron, the hot water will quickly lose its heat and you're going to get a grease clogged drain after awhile.