
Discontinued Norwall Wallpaper?

April 16, 2017

Norwall Wallpaper ED24207I am trying to find 1 roll of a discontinued wallpaper from the "Eden" book from "Norwall Wallcoverings". It is ED24207. I have my dining room 3/4s of the way done and ran out. Please if you have even a partial or slightly damaged roll I will take it. Thank you!



Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 16, 20170 found this helpful

Put an alert on eBay. also has many wallpapers, including discontinued.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 8, 2020

I am one roll short of this border Norwall HT73987. Can anyone help me please? I would be most grateful.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
January 10, 20200 found this helpful

You can try to check out this discontinued wallpaper border store. They should be able to help you out. It is in the US. I do know there is a discontinued wallpaper store in the UK but it sells just the paper and not the borders.

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February 7, 2008

I am looking for 3 rolls of Norwall wallpaper border SP74483A. It is marbled green with purple edges. Within the border are flowers, bees, butterflies and dragonflies. Other colors in this are a rose shade.

pam from , Indiana


February 25, 20080 found this helpful

Have you contacted a local store that sells wallpaper? That would be the first place I'd start !


By Pam (Guest Post)
February 25, 20080 found this helpful

This wallpaper was discontinued. But after tracking it down in Ohio he store that told me they could not get any more suddenly had 6 rolls on the shelf!

March 23, 20080 found this helpful

I am looking for the 2 5yard reams of wallpaper border ZN72952DS. If there is anyone that has it I would like to purchase it.
Thank you, Angela Bronson Lakkb AT

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November 2, 2019

I am looking for Norwall kt15516 discontinued wallpaper. I need 4 - 5 rolls.

Finding Discontinued Norwall Wallpaper - closeup of pattern


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 2, 20190 found this helpful

Look on eBay and Amazon. If it is not there, put an alert on.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
November 3, 20190 found this helpful

Inside Fabric is a good place to find a lot of discontinued wallpaper. They have a lot of brands and it is easy to search their site Here is the link you can try for this outlet.


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October 10, 2018

I am looking for 3 rolls each of Norwall TM702 and TW13538 (pictures attached) as well as 6 packages of the Old World border (attached). Any help would be appreciated! Finding Discontinued Norwall Wallcoverings - border


Thank you!

Finding Discontinued Norwall Wallcoverings
Finding Discontinued Norwall Wallcoverings


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
October 10, 20180 found this helpful

Check eBay. Here is a list of current auctions:

Also ETSY frequently has wallpaper, as do some Amazon vendors.


I have had luck more on eBay than anything for finding old products!

Wishing you all the best!

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July 22, 2016

I have been searching for 2 weeks everywhere for a discontinued wallpaper border by Norwall/Patton - the product #:HB75706. It is a beautiful floral in brown and grey, 10 3/8th inches wide with very rich colors. I have tried everywhere online I could find and everything I could think of. wallpaper border


I desperately need 8 rolls of this border. If you can help me I would be forever grateful! Please email me through this site.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 28, 20170 found this helpful

good luck finding this, everyone it seems is looking for old paper.

WHat you should do is set up a google alert to tell you when it has become available:


then enter this in the search: "Norwall Patton wallpaper OR floral OR HB75706" (or replace with another site like craigslist) and press CREATE ALERT

if anyone then ever lists it on ebay, you will be notified immediately!

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September 21, 2015

I am desperately trying to find 1 roll/package of this border to repair a room fixed up just last spring. Please let me know if you can help! Thank you.closeup of border


Norwall Wallpaper Border Pattern AR7535N


March 16, 20180 found this helpful

Did you find this? Do you still need it? (It's been a while since your post) I might have a roll of this. I have to dig it out, but hate to until I'm sure you still need it.

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May 21, 2015

I am looking for 2 double rolls of Norwall Wallpaper Product Code SL27543 Batch No. 250A. Does anyone know where I could obtain these 2 double rolls?

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April 11, 2015

I am looking for CR72789DC, with blue roses on pale yellow background.


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December 21, 2005

I'm looking for some discontinued Norwall wallpaper. Number is FX13954


Terri from Akron, Ohio


April 4, 20090 found this helpful

Have you looked on

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May 25, 2005

I am looking for 1 or 2 rolls of discontinued wallpaper by Norwall Pat. 48276, 1226497; Lot 207A or Lot 208C (made in Canada). Can anyone help me locate and purchase if still available?

Charlene from Rhode Island


May 27, 20050 found this helpful

I found a great site for looking for items such as you are in need of. Go to and see if they have it there. If not, you can post it on their bulletin board and quite possible someone might just have it and contact you.


Several of my friends have been able to find the things they were looking for. It is worth a try! Good luck!

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October 16, 2014

I am looking for pattern NT73804.

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September 14, 2014

Is Norwall wallpaper pattern RG10300, flower rose red on cream a discontinued wallpaper? If so, is there anyone who still sells it?

By Pat

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August 21, 2014

plaid wallpaperI am looking for one single roll of the blue and gold plaid Norwall kitchen and bath wallpaper KB25590 - thank you.

By Donna from New York

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July 18, 2014

I need 3 double rolls of Norwall wallpaper bg21517. I'm feelin' lucky!

By sharonlampron AT

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March 19, 2014

I am looking for Norwall wallpaper PP27814

By Steve B.

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July 30, 2013

Floral wallpaper border.I am looking for more of a Norwall border purchased a few years ago. The # is KB73455DCV, Lot #12 A. I could use even a different lot of the same border. I only need one more package.

Does anyone know where I could find it? Thank you.

By Janis G.

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March 17, 2013

Sample of paper.I am searching for a Norwall wallpaper that has been discontinued. One more double roll is all that I need to finish the hall in our 1880's farmhouse. (Ontario, Canada). The pattern # is MP 18717L and it is in an antiqued damask pattern that is a light sage green. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give me.

By Melanie P. from Ontario, Canada

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July 14, 2011

I am looking for Norwall TX13205 wallpaper. Thanks.


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May 24, 2011

I am looking for some discontinued Norwall wallpaper. It is from the Habitat book and the pattern # is HB24109

By Tara1

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November 13, 2009

I am looking for a roll of Norwall TK78254 border wallpaper.

By cf grega from Corbin, KY

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November 13, 2008

I am looking for a Norwall border pattern, the number is KL76975DL. I only need one more to purchase. Does anyone know where I can purchase some or a website I can go to and locate. Thank you.

Marcy from Orlando, FL

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