Make a plastic cap moat to keep the ants from getting into your hummingbird feeders.
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What a great idea and one I can use! I bought something similar at a store which cost $8. It fell apart after one year of use. I can make this for zip! I will probably use E6000 glue instead of a glue stick since it might melt in this Texas heat (over 100 degrees). E6000 won't melt and will stay there forever.
Thanks for such clear instructions for a truly inexpensive "fixer" to keep those ants from our feeders.
I am going to try the E6000 glue also as someone borrowed my glue gun and forgot they borrowed it so I hope this will work. At least I do not have to be concerned about whether it is harmful to the ants!
Thanks for all the great hummingbird pictures and stories on your other postings - I love these little critters!
Bought something similar, but put Vaseline in the cup. Keeps the ants out. Haven't had a problem in over a month. Wish I knew of your solution a month ago.
I wish I had seen this trick a month ago. I bought one similar a month ago. Only difference is I rubbed Vaseline inside the cup.
Super smart fix! Great instructions, too! :)
Thanks everyone, :) I'm so glad this will help with the ants on the feeders. It's amazing actually how well it just does the job, because once the ants get to the "moat" they leave, and for good, because they realize it's a dead end.
I know another glue has been mentioned to use, which I've never used that kind, but I just wanted to say that I use the glue gun, and it works fine, even in the heat of the summer here in Vegas, it's been over 112 daily, and I've had these moats up for several years, and the "glue-gun-glue" has held up really well. At first I thought it would maybe melt away from the summer heat, but, it doesn't - it works also.
This picture shows the moats above each feeder.
Each feeder hangs a bit differently in the yard, this is only a picture
of one of the corners of the yard that hadn't any where to hang them.
That real tree on the right is our neighbors. So I made our hummers this "tree-feeder" as I call it, and they love it.
All kinds of birds do actually, because I'll look out the window and someone is sitting on it, big birds and little birds.
We'd made this (tree feeder) as we call it - awhile back, because this particular part of the backyard has only concrete
and no trees.
Something like this could work great for anyone in an apartment too, since the tree feeder could actually be placed
But my intent here is to help show anyone interested in the moats how they look hanging with the feeders.
I've got these 2 particular moats hanging "right from the hooks" which if one wanted the feeders to hang lower,
you'd use a wire at the hook, and then hang the feeder from that. The moats aren't pretty, I guess if they were the color red,
they'd look more like part of the whole thing.
Just for the heck of it, I'd taken a bit of fake vine and put it around the "wooden tree feeder we'd made" just so it didn't
stand out too much. Before I'd strung the fake vine around it, I said to my hubby, our neighbors are going to think we've gotten
super religious putting up a cross in the backyard, haha!
Great tip we have had this problem for years. Thank you
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