
Fertilized Lawn Turned Brown?

I live in western Washington and put spring/summer fertilizer on my grass in late October. We had a sudden freeze of below 30 degree temps for more than a week in late November and the grass is now matted and brown. The small section I didn't fertilize is green and plush. I raked it lighly yesterday to remove the matted areas hoping to help it breathe. Did I kill my lawn?


By Lynn P.

brown lawn

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January 26, 20150 found this helpful
Best Answer

I would guess that it was a cheap fertilizer which wasn't "time releasing" very well. Feels like the grass got a burst of nutrients, started to root out, froze and then went dormant. It'll most likely hld nutrient, and be back with a vigor. If it was me I don't think I'd worry about it. Get better over winter fertilizers, Scott, CIL, bigger brand names.... the knock off stuff is cheaper but largely crap.

January 22, 20150 found this helpful

Anytime fertilizer is applied, you need to water in well or it will burn the roots. That is what I have always gone by, that is what my Dad told me.


I hate to tell you this but I am almost certain your lawn has bit the dust.


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