
Homemade Deer Repellents

March 29, 2009

Deer in a gardenI have seen that human hair can be used as a deer repellent, I was wondering if dog hair can also be used. I have a German Shepherd that sheds a lot. I could use her hair if that would also work. Also , what about lavender plants, is that successful as well in a vegetable garden? Thanks you. I am a 1st year gardener so I hope to learn a lot from this site, lots of good info.


Hardiness Zone: 8b

By Kelly Penny from caryville, florida


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
March 29, 20090 found this helpful

This is just my personal opinion (no data to back me up) but I think deer only laugh at ANY hair! Deer will eat those plants we're told they won't, they'll jump fences they aren't supposed to be able to jump, and they LAUGH at hair!

April 5, 20090 found this helpful

I don't know about dog hair but human hair certainly did not work for us every year I lose plants due to the deer. They are so comfortable that we can get within 5 feet of them. They eat my hostas and any thing else that grows,veggies, flower plants etc.


We have also tried soap boxes, deer repellent called scoot,deer fence that they went right through. If any one has suggestions please let me know as well!

April 6, 20090 found this helpful

Oh yes I tried dog hair my poor nekid dog was the only thing that was not eaten. I have used pie pans, cd's you name I have tried it! This year I am trying hot sauce!! It seems to be working so far! But then those deers are laughing and saying oh boy we will just let them hostas grow a little taller and then eat them! I think the only thing that may work is a 12 foot fence with barbed wire around the top. Just think of what the neighbors would say! LOL! Good luck!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
April 6, 20090 found this helpful

I take cds, dvds, run twine through a hole made in them (soldering gun) or through the middle, can hang them anywhere. Hang some bells on this too, so when the breeze, winds or any action will make them move and scares off alot of things I don't want in my garden.


These will swing and sway, you can paint them to be colorful if you want.

April 7, 20092 found this helpful

I used to tend a young orange grove in Christmas FL, 4 or 5 raw eggs blended in a 5 gallon sprayer applied every 2 weeks or as needed will keep deer from eating young trees.

April 15, 20092 found this helpful

NOTHING works but the egg recipe. I use 4 cups of water to 1 cup of egg beaters and no more deer eating on my roses, maple trees and etc. Works even after it rains. Believe me I have tried everything and this is the ONLY recipe you will need. You can use raw eggs as well but I found it so easy with the egg beaters because you are suppose to remove the white membrane of the egg to mix it.


Just remember its a 20 to 80 percent ratio eggs to water. Its suppose to last 3 months even in the rain.

April 17, 20160 found this helpful

Leave the dog outside and they won't come around.

August 15, 20160 found this helpful

How do you apply this?

August 30, 20160 found this helpful

I was wondering with your egg and water mixture do I put it rite on the plant or just around the base of the plant

July 29, 20220 found this helpful

My wife has a video of a doe eating dog hair like it is cotton candy

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

April 28, 2019

Deer have used my yard this past winter and torn up spots of my grass. Besides all the deer dropping, patches of grass are completely gone. I've spent money to keep my lawn looking good until the deer have taken over.

What can I use to keep them out of my yard.

Thanks for any help.


April 29, 20190 found this helpful


I would put coffee grounds throughout your yard, because deer hate the smell of coffee grounds, and these will deter them from your plants. Coffee grounds are also good for your garden.





Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 29, 20190 found this helpful

Use blood meal around the perimeter of the yard.

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June 20, 2010

I have some homemade deer repellent recipes that have spices in them. These spices clog up the spray bottle like crazy. Does anyone have any ideas on improving this problem?

Hardiness Zone: 6a

By Karen from Reynoldsville, PA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 138 Feedbacks
June 20, 20100 found this helpful

How about straining the mixture through a coffee filter before pouring it into a spray bottle?

June 23, 20100 found this helpful

Try boiling your spices in hot water, then strain the mixture and put into the sprayer. The hot water will extract the properties from the spices.


You could also grind the spices finely, pulverize them in a coffee grinder or blender.

May 23, 20160 found this helpful

Chapin brand sprayers have an anti clog filter built into them that should help with this problem

May 23, 20160 found this helpful

Chapin brand sprayers have an anti clog filter built into them that should help with this problem

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February 25, 2017

Although traditional fences are probably most effective in keeping wildlife out of your garden, there are other methods that can also work well. Commercial and homemade products utilizing certain odors are also effective. This is a page about using scent fences for repelling deer and rabbits.

An alert deer.

February 26, 2017

Deer don't like eggs, by using this recipe you will be able to deter deer away from your garden. This page has recipes for egg deer repellants.

A deer eating some leaves off a branch.

March 15, 2017

On the list of ways to keep deer out of your garden is the use of objects that move in the wind or reflect light. This page is about how to frighten deer with plastic bags.


February 25, 2017

Some homeowners and gardeners have had success repelling deer with hanging bags of scented soap. This is a page about use soap pieces for deer control.

A deer in the backyard.

February 25, 2017

Deer are well adapted to living around us and our tasty flower and vegetable gardens and scrubs. This is a page about preventing deer from eating roses.

Beautiful pink roses.

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